#llm #ai #api #document #convert #markdown #ocr #extraction #etl #pdf
#llm #ai #api #document #convert #markdown #ocr #extraction #etl #pdf
#python #html #pdf #convert #markdown
#document #pdf #collaboration #tracking #docsend #alternative #sharing
#markdown #resume #pdf
A Rosetta stone for typesetting engines.
This project's goal is to provide a chrestomathy for typesetting similar to what Rosetta Code does for programming languages. The samples here are designed to compare and/or contrast the approaches taken to various typesetting situations by different typesetting engines.
The emphasis is less on document markup languages, programming languages, or actual content and more on the way layout and orthographic features are achieved. Sometimes similar input wi...
#typography #pdf #latex #pattern #best-practice
Paged.js is a free and open source JavaScript library that paginates content in the browser to create PDF output from any HTML content. This means you can design works for print (eg. books) using HTML and CSS!
Paged.js follows the Paged Media standards published by the W3C (ie the Paged Media Module, and the Generated Content for Paged Media Module). In effect Paged.js acts as a polyfill for the CSS modules to print content using features that are not yet natively supported by browsers.
#javascript #library #html #pdf #typography #printing
#react #pdf #library #component
#PDF #mmarkdownhtml #docx #convert #python
#pdf #convert #tool #online
#llm #parser #text #convert #markdown #split #extraction #content #python #library #pdf #ocr
#pdf #layout #parser #llm #python #image #ocr
#content #extraction #ocr #pdf #parser #api
#python #pdf #content #extraction #parser #library
#python #pdf #content #extraction #parser #library
#llm #model #table #pdf #content #extraction
#pdf #table #content #extraction #llm #machine-learning
#drawing #notebook #note-taking #app #crossplatform #handwriting #pdf
#ai #pdf
#rag #pdf #document #processing
#pdf #renderer #engine