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Features include custom templates, plugins (API), SEO capabilities, XMLRPC API, theming. Built on Rails and uses normal SQL databases. #rails #blog #engine #pub
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Features include custom templates, plugins (API), SEO capabilities, XMLRPC API, theming. Built on Rails and uses normal SQL databases. #rails #blog #engine #pub
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Terrier is a highly flexible, efficient, and effective open source search engine, readily deployable on large-scale collections of documents. Terrier implements state-of-the-art indexing and retrieval functionalities, and provides an ideal platform for the rapid development and evaluation of large-scale retrieval applications. #opensource #search #engine #indexing #automation #java #pub
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A clean and simple markdown blog. Inspired by Svbtle ( Simple markdown-powered Ruby on Rails blog platform — (demo admin available) #rails #app #opensource #blog #engine #markdown #clone #Svbtle #pub
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