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Mark Zuckerberg Same T-Shirt
#Zuckerberg #facebook #inspirational #interesting #role_models #from #delicious #pub
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Got on reddit's front page on April 15, 2015, for such a simple, "silly" even, concept - With a site like this, can gather data aka data_mining tag #SEO #ideas #copy #backlinks #holier_than_thou_pattern #google_and_us_geeks_and_techs_know_best_pattern #web_tools #simple #data_mining #from #delicious #pub
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How hard it is to just get in the queue for an invite for Jeez. #torrents #sites #$kippt #sharing_lol #private_trackers #interviews #information #from #delicious #pub
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Goes over how "annoying" things, but mainly people are. Could potentially be made into a much more "Buzzfeed" like site for more views, pandering, etc. #interesting #lists #unique_spin #@to_read #linkbait #SEO #potential #copycopy #from #delicious #pub
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SaaS app to create surveys. Nice looking frontend site in terms of looking like any typical small time SaaS app in every way possible. Also trying to get a list of "polling_apps" $kippt style. This is the first one bookmarked with those tags. #ideas #copycopy #SaaS #freemium #monthly #simple #B2SB #surveys #web_tools #research #linkbait #polling_apps #$kippt #from #delicious #pub
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A couple of months ago I bought a Samsung Chromebook to use while travelling around Japan. So how did that work out? I need to point out first that I was mostly using Fedora 17 (but could dual-boot into ChromeOS for occasional things like G+ Hangouts).

#Sent #from #my #Windows #Phone #pub
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