Public Notes
Russian Link Secrets - The most advanced Blackhat SEO ebook 2013 - Russian Backlinks - Forget Sape [40 Days of Dating]
"What do you do when you’re tired of the prospect of dating? Two good friends with opposite relationship problems found themselves single at the same time. As an experiment, they dated for 40 days.
Love is a central theme in humanity across time and cultures. It’s one of the main topics in music, film, novels, poetry, and art. But what exactly is it, and why do we all approach it so differently? How does it affect us so deeply that sane people have gone mad over it?
The dating life in New York City can grow tiresome and wearing. Tim is afraid of commitment, often dating many girls at once, and he’s losing sight of what a healthy relationship means. Jessica is a hopeless romantic, jumping into relationships too quickly, always looking to find “the one.”
It’s been said that it takes 40 days to change a bad habit. In an attempt to explore and hopefully overcome their fears and inadequacies, Tim and Jessica will go through the motions of a relationship for the next 40 days: the commitment, time, companionship, joys and frustrations. Can they help each other, or will they fall into their same habits? Will they damage their friendship? What if they fall in love?"
"Jessica Walsh is a designer based in New York City. She is a hopeless romantic who jumps into relationships very quickly."
"Timothy Goodman is a designer based in New York City. He is afraid of commitment & tends to date many girls at the same time."
#experiments #interesting #dating #linkbait #@to_read #relationships #social_dynamics #pub
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Objects on Rails
"This is the complete text of Objects on Rails, a "developer's notebook" documenting some guidelines, techniques, and ideas for applying classic object-oriented thought to Ruby on Rails applications. This book is aimed at the working Rails developer who is looking to grow and evolve Rails projects while keeping them flexible, maintainable, and robust. The focus is on pragmatic solutions which tread a "middle way" between the expedience of the Rails "golden path", and rigid OO purity."
"Enjoying Objects on Rails? Why not take it with you! For $5, you can download DRM-free PDF, EPUB, and Kindle versions of this book, along with the full source code. Click on the big button below to buy now! Or, click here to shop for the Objects on Rails "Sponsor Edition" and other products."
#ebooks #books #freemium #paid #free #Rails #objects #object-oriented #web_development #best_practices #@to_read #pub
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The Best of Rational Male – Year One |
#best_of #resources #lists #social_dynamics #PUA #beginners #overviews #research #@to_read #@to_internalize #pub
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Goes over how "annoying" things, but mainly people are. Could potentially be made into a much more "Buzzfeed" like site for more views, pandering, etc.
#interesting #lists #unique_spin #@to_read #linkbait #SEO #potential #copycopy #from #delicious #pub
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#affiliate_world #@to_read #entrepeneurs #grit #depression #issues #via:facebook #via:Ro #articles #toread #pub
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Search for "affiliate" - Mixergy
#best_of #books #@TODO #@to_read #pub
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From Bash to Z Shell: Conquering the Command Line
Towards being purpose-driven without fighting myself - Malcolm Ocean
#books #articles #@to_read #pub
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