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#web_design #freemium #Zoomers #dev #best_of #graphics #pub
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Iconfinder is the world's largest marketplace for vector and raster icons in SVG and PNG formats. #web_design #freemium #Zoomers #dev #best_of #graphics #pub
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"Premium Web UI Kits, Icons and Graphics Professional and Pixel Perfect User Interface Packs for Designers and Web Developers.." #ui #web_design #icons #graphics #products #paid_products #pub
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The Noun Project
"Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language The Noun Project is building a global visual language that everyone can understand. We want to enable our users to visually communicate anything to anyone. Humans have been using symbols to communicate for over 17,000 years because they are the one language everyone can understand. Symbols can transcend cultural and language barriers and deliver concise information effortlessly and instantaneously. They allow people to communicate quickly, effectively, and intuitively. And for the first time ever, this language is being combined with technology to create a social language that unites the world. You can read more about us in Core77, Fast Company, The New York Times, The 99 Percent, and GOOD." #icons #web_design #humanity #graphics #pub
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List of all the sites as graphics #%stack_overflow #best_of #lists #questions_and_answers #%stack_exchange #compilations #graphics #pub
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