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Unlock custom domains and branding on Airtable, ClickUp, Adobe Spark and more. The pricing isn't clear without looking more into things. $10/mo gives "custom domain for one public page" and "rehost any page at". Not sure what the second means. -- $25/mo is the other option: it allows unlimited public pages for custom domain and unlimited pages to rehost. Own branding, custom CSS/JS, custom social sharing links. All of this is really pricey. If this is not doing any SEO or SSR then the savings from clobbering together own reverse proxies that likely are 90% done on Github open source would make a lot of sense if doing more than 1 or 2 apps. Even 1 or 2! #ideas_dev #pricey #SaaS #ideas_devops #Zoomers #notion #addons #paid #cmses #trial #pub
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