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$3 million in latest funding series #cmses #funded #ideas #simple #startups #pub
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AdaptCMS is an open source Content Management System that is made for complete control of your website, easiness of use and adaptable to any type of content website. Featuring a customizable plugins/themes interface, advanced article management, powerful templating system and more. #!TO_TAG_bit_more #cmses #dev #vgamin #php #pub
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_Used to be or something. Raised $31M. Pivoting now._

"Famous offers a mobile micro-app content management system for large brands to advertise and promote their products." #!TO_TAG_bit_more #cmses #dev #funded #startups #pub
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Pretty cool concept. They have integrations with Netlify (sp?) and a few other CI tools. But also webhooks so you can get the data yourself. From "" "If you need to use some other CI tool, we also offer an agnostic webhook you can use to connect DatoCMS to your custom deployment solution. Regardless the external service you intend to use, your CI build script needs to perform three steps: Run the dato dump command to fetch the DatoCMS content and transform it into local files; Run the build command of your static website generator to produce the actual static website (ie. jekyll build for Jekyll); Upload the files of your static website to S3, or any other hosting solution you intend to use." #SaaS #dev #SSVentures #cmses #static_site_generators #integrations #best_of #$kippt_bookmark #pub
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So there's tons of these static site generator CMSs. Lol. #SSVentures #SaaS #best_of #cmses #dev #integrations #static_site_generators #$kippt_bookmark #pub
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Notion Pages
Discover new Notion templates and pages. Learn how to use Notion. #templates #cmses #lists #notion #pub
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Actually free! #free #cloudflare #Zoomers #%on_github #open_source #notion #wrappers #cmses #pub
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Unlock custom domains and branding on Airtable, ClickUp, Adobe Spark and more. The pricing isn't clear without looking more into things. $10/mo gives "custom domain for one public page" and "rehost any page at". Not sure what the second means. -- $25/mo is the other option: it allows unlimited public pages for custom domain and unlimited pages to rehost. Own branding, custom CSS/JS, custom social sharing links. All of this is really pricey. If this is not doing any SEO or SSR then the savings from clobbering together own reverse proxies that likely are 90% done on Github open source would make a lot of sense if doing more than 1 or 2 apps. Even 1 or 2! #ideas_dev #pricey #SaaS #ideas_devops #Zoomers #notion #addons #paid #cmses #trial #pub
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"Put Notion pages behind a password Sotion lets you add security to your Notion pages with a password page." #addons #Zoomers #notion #paid #SaaS #cmses #trial #pub
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Notion is bursting with hidden gems and a jam-packed roadmap. Don’t miss major updates, expert tips, templates, add-ons and much more. Bolster your Notion savvy. Be a Notion VIP. #references #tidbits #Zoomers #cmses #knowledge_bases #notion #pub
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Create custom websites in minutes. All on Notion. Potion adds the magic, generating a speedy site with custom domains, styles and great SEO. #Zoomers #notion #wrappers #paid #SaaS #cmses #pub
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I believe people are recommending NotionX react-notion-x and maybe one other over this as of 2021-07. #cloudflare #cmses #dev #Zoomers #notion #%repo #pub
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Super supports many 3rd party tools to extend your site with things like analytics, live chat, payments, memberships, and more. #notion #addons #Zoomers #lists #meh #wrappers #paid #SaaS #cmses #pub
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Turn Notion docs into a public knowledge base for your customers. Publish your Notion developer guides, knowledge bases, external wikis, API references, etc. #addons #notion #knowledge_bases #paid #SaaS #cmses #price:$20 #trial #unique_spin #pub
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Say goodbye to paid website builders like webflow and squarespace, and say hello to GatsbyJs, Notion & Netlify. #SSR #cmses #dev #Zoomers #notion #guides #pub
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