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Infowars: There's a War on For Your Mind!
The #1 Independent news service in the world, battling globalism and promoting a pro-human future worldwide. Infowars is Tomorrow's News Today.
#snowflakes #linkage_patterns_right_wing_circle_self_pleasure #niches #niches:right_wing_media #intellectual_dark_web #pub
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The Daily Wire
Founded by Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing in 2015. -- Background: They both worked for TruthRevolt, funded by David Horowitz FreedomCenter, which has around $7M in revenue a year. -- Funding source (and classic hypocrisy of being for truth and not special interests): several million dollars in seed funding from billionare brothers Dan and Farris Wilks (the other Kochs/Mercers lol) -- Financial info: 115 employees. -- Personnel: Ben Shapiro (editor emeritus), Jeremy Boreing (CEO), Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, Candace Owens, Matt Walsh, Allison Williams, John Bickley (editor-in-chief) -- Stuff known for: Hiring grifters like Alison Williams from ESPN, Candace Owens. The Ben Shapiro Show podcast is insanely popular. (3) They acquired distributionrights to Run Hide Fight. An awful awful film that I indeed watched.
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#niches #intellectual_dark_web #niches:right_wing_media #daily_wire #ben_shapiro #linkage_patterns_right_wing_circle_self_pleasure #snowflakes #pub
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The Daily Caller
Founded in 2010 by Tucker Carlson and a 50 year old Neil Patel. It is overfilled with ads and tracking. I even got re-routed to a McAfee BS ad lol. Pretty hypocritical when the right especially Tucker talk about having our privacy and against big tech and their invasiveness. (yes Google ads are plentiful).
#niches #ads_on_site #hypocritical #ads #niches:right_wing_media #pub
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