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The #1 Independent news service in the world, battling globalism and promoting a pro-human future worldwide. Infowars is Tomorrow's News Today. #snowflakes #linkage_patterns_right_wing_circle_self_pleasure #niches #niches:right_wing_media #intellectual_dark_web #pub
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The Daily Wire
Founded by Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing in 2015. -- Background: They both worked for TruthRevolt, funded by David Horowitz FreedomCenter, which has around $7M in revenue a year. -- Funding source (and classic hypocrisy of being for truth and not special interests): several million dollars in seed funding from billionare brothers Dan and Farris Wilks (the other Kochs/Mercers lol) -- Financial info: 115 employees. -- Personnel: Ben Shapiro (editor emeritus), Jeremy Boreing (CEO), Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, Candace Owens, Matt Walsh, Allison Williams, John Bickley (editor-in-chief) -- Stuff known for: Hiring grifters like Alison Williams from ESPN, Candace Owens. The Ben Shapiro Show podcast is insanely popular. (3) They acquired distributionrights to Run Hide Fight. An awful awful film that I indeed watched. There are other citations in related tags #niches #intellectual_dark_web #niches:right_wing_media #daily_wire #ben_shapiro #linkage_patterns_right_wing_circle_self_pleasure #snowflakes #pub
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The Daily Caller
Founded in 2010 by Tucker Carlson and a 50 year old Neil Patel. It is overfilled with ads and tracking. I even got re-routed to a McAfee BS ad lol. Pretty hypocritical when the right especially Tucker talk about having our privacy and against big tech and their invasiveness. (yes Google ads are plentiful). #niches #ads_on_site #hypocritical #ads #niches:right_wing_media #pub
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"Visit Our Websites" #networks #LGBT #sites #spambutnotspam #niches #pandering #pub
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Home | Wealth-X
Wealth-X is the global leader in providing qualified prospects and intelligence on ultra high net worth (UHNW) individuals, along with the privately held-companies they control. #ideas #data #niches #niche_sites #grasp_on_niche #copy_hm #pub
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TV Show Renewal, Cancellations and Endings - All the latest cancellation / renewal news on your favorite TV shows! #niches #copy_def #data #commentary #data_driven #niche_sites #ideas #pub
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Native Ad Buzz
Their pricing is way too cheap - $47 (tho this one is so simple and basically worthless, just there to make you get the main $97 one. The $797 one is for an agency, basically the same, but "agency" so 10 logins, feature of ad-watch update notifications, and feature of advertiser contact csv - not something i can offer at first, unless their stuff is pretty simple and just a whois crawl into a csv - will check) @TODO _Another site in the same-ish space of paid software for [affiliate] ad intelligence.

Grab all you can from these and look into them later._

_hm, ad_intelligence is a new tag. what was the tag I was using with that sort of wording before?_

_Just found this as a group related to the previous bookmark of the other closed FB group._

"Discover what's hot and launch winning Native Ad campaigns 1,195,341 Ads, 10 Major Networks, 12 Countries and 5 Device Types" #werk #alternatives #competition #competitors #niches #affiliate_marketing #ad_intelligence #$AFMA #SaaS #paid #trial #affiliate_world #affiliates #@to_research #@to_look_into #@to_grab #@TODO #home_page #$kippt_bookmark #pub
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Home | Wealth-X
Wealth-X is the global leader in providing qualified prospects and intelligence on ultra high net worth (UHNW) individuals, along with the privately held-companies they control. #copy_hm #data #grasp_on_niche #ideas #niche_sites #niches #pub
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Dil Mil
#online_dating #mobile_apps #android #iOS #niches #$kippt_bookmark #toread #pub
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Savvy Pre-Med
#ideas #niches #organic #SEO #content_based #upsell #upsell_based #pub
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#$AFMA #$kippt_bookmark #ad_intelligence #ad_spying #affiliate_marketing #alternatives #home_page #niches #affiliate_focused #meh #trial #freemium #pub
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Loading... #online_dating #niches #iOS_apps #pub
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#$AFMA_umbrella #$kippt_bookmark #SaaS #dev #freemium #search_engines #unique_spin #source_code #pub

Initially bookmarked with the date I assume this has, 2012-04-13. Used to be "", then "". Latter bookmarked at some point in 2013. And now, 2015-September, this current bookmark has the url updated. Deleting other two. And adding tags.

Edit: Actually, Pinboard seems to have the only one as the 2013 dated one of: 2013-06-14


"Try It. With Real World Examples. Helping you find real world examples of functions, API's and libraries over 90 languages across 10+ sources"
 "Search Source From Multiple Sources, Search Using Special Characters, Filter by Language, Filter by Repository, Filter by Source"

"Search code from over 7,000,000 projects."
 "Search over projects from Github, Bitbucket, Google Code, Codeplex, Sourceforge, Fedora Project and more." #APIs #crawling #copy_hm #search_engines #niches #copy_bigish #data_driven #dev #code #source_code #ideas #research #data_mining #!TO_TAG_bit_more #interesting
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#dropshipping #$project_2018_ecommerce #paid #SaaS #automated #scraping #niches #shopify #pub
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