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The Daily Caller
Founded in 2010 by Tucker Carlson and a 50 year old Neil Patel. It is overfilled with ads and tracking. I even got re-routed to a McAfee BS ad lol. Pretty hypocritical when the right especially Tucker talk about having our privacy and against big tech and their invasiveness. (yes Google ads are plentiful). #niches #ads_on_site #hypocritical #ads #niches:right_wing_media #pub
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#self-righteous #hypocritical #deceptive #status_quo #SEO #Google #pub
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Sam Levi: "Yah, 2 and 3 don't count. But nice try. Further more, let us speak on the issue of government sanctioned murder. A. Why is it ok that governments kill millions with bullets and high explosives, and yet killing thousands with chemical weapons is horrendous? Is your issue the death or the means by hitch it is carried out?" #logic_flaws #double_standards #hypocritical #@Rohail #pub
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"Pink shoes are okay, green shoes are not. (AP)" #unfair #mental_issues #zeitgeist_bs #sports #status_quo #hypocritical #pub
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