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"It's so simple, it has only one feature…press 'start activity', type your task and press enter. Focusbar will show up on your screen from time to time, reminding you that it's time to work on what you've planned." It integrates with iDoneThis as well. You can send the task you specify over to iDoneThis. #czarrar #productivity #p0rn #discipline #focus #task #management #free #mac #app #store #nag #google #Snippet #action #IDoneThis #pub
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" helps you keep focused by applying schedulable firewall rules to distracting websites. An example firewall rule looks like this: def domain_reddit_com(dt): return dt.hour == 21 # allow from 9-10pm" " is, at its core, a DNS server." #focus #productivity #p0rn #discipline #opensource #DNS #filtering #blocking #pub
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"Block certain hosts when you need to get stuff done." Uses the hosts file. Shell script #focus #productivity #p0rn #discipline #opensource #filtering #blocking #hosts #shell #pub
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"Vitamin-R creates the optimal conditions for your brain by structuring your work into short bursts of distraction-free, highly focused activity alternating with opportunities for renewal, reflection and intuition. The built-in task logging and analysis features create positive momentum towards productivity by providing you with visible feedback on your progress and achievements." #pomodoro #time_boxing #Mac #apps #productivity #discipline #focus #concentration #pub
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"People suffering from and trying to overcome Impostor Syndrome (the feeling that even though you are doing good work and have made some big accomplishments that you’re really an “impostor” at your job and people are going find out) are somewhat endemic to startup and tech circles. ... So, it was pretty surprising that the best advice that I’ve heard on the subject comes from Conan O’Brien. “In improvisational acting there is this great rule that I’ve used in my life: ‘Act As If’. Act as if this is completely normal. Of course I’m supposed to be interviewing Barack Obama. Of course I’m supposed to be playing guitar with Bruce Springsteen and of course there’s a big part of me inside that’s saying: ‘What are you talking about?’” From “Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop” — 21:00 The best entrepreneurs that I’ve worked with have (without naming it) exhibited this same pattern. 1. Recognize privately and intellectually that some big crazy thing is about to happen: a key investor meeting, a sales call to a big new client or interview with a major publication. 2. Do the hard work of preparing and making sure their product and facts are all in line. 3. Execute through their fears and anxieties by “acting as if” in public. Nothing is a cure all, but it is surprising how much even a simple phrase repeated to yourself can help. Case in point: “Of course I should be writing a blog post about Impostor Syndrome.”" #better_humans #introspective #blog_posts #confidence #focus #grit #pub
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#IFTTT #mindfulness #web_apps #browser_extensions #Safari #chrome #discipline #focus #productivity_porn #freemium #ideas #copy_but_simple #pub
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_Only a Chrome extension right now - why not better labeled on the page? The "Get it now" says so, but still."

Pomello turns your Trello cards into Pomodoro® tasks. It stays on top of your windows to help you stay focused on the task at hand. "The best laid plans of mice and men / Often go awry"
 Even with the best To-Do List apps out there, it's far too easy to get distracted by videos of sneezing pandas or sleeping otters holding hands. Pomello helps you stay focused and on track to achieve your day-to-day tasks or life-changing dreams. #unique_spin #chrome_extension #pomodoro #copycopy #task_management #browser_extensions #trello #ideas #focus #API_driven #integration #productivity_techniques #pub
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Space - by Boundless Mind
#discipline #focus_accountability #focus #social_media #mobile_apps_2_major_OSes #mindfulness #pub
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#productivity #discipline #browser_extensions #mobile_apps_2_major_OSes #free #paid #focus #ios_apps #android_apps #freemium #mindfulness #%i_legit_use_this #gamification #pub
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#focus #focus_accountability #rescuetime_esque #freemium #discipline #tracking #iOS_apps #mobile_apps_2_major_OSes #pub
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