Public Notes
#productivity #time_tracking #Ruby #open_source #code #cli #@to_look_into #beeminder #pub
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Where are the boot-strappers camped out? I'm very interested in joining that cam... | Hacker News
#from:Windows_Phone #lists #ideas #resources #@to_look_into #micropreneurs #pub
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Adpushup - Ad Revenue Optimization
from:Windows_Phone ads split_testing adsense SaaS startups beta freemium
#@to_look_into #@to_use #pub
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My Files Archive
Lol the content is so bad. Wonder how it is generated.
#ideas #blackhat #SEO #seo_copy #markov #content_generation #blatant #@to_look_into #pub
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Cloud Computing — Google Cloud Platform
_Have to look into this more. Like their pricing calculator: and their pricing calculator sort of thing vs AWS:
_Directly competing against AWS it seems. $500 credits for 3 months it seems right now for "new" users._
_Need a promo code, like "?utm_source=stackdriver" since I got here from Stackdriver sign up email link_
"Google Cloud Platform lets you build and host applications and websites, store data, and analyze data on Google's scalable infrastructure."
#IaaS #alternatives #promotions #!TO_TAG #dev #devops #hosting #@to_look_into #pub
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#dev #unsure #clouds #ruby #gems #!TO_TAG_bit_more #@to_look_into #pub
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ylian, the actual dev started this in April: "Currently there is no Spotlight integration for Quiver. You can't search for Quiver notes from Spotlight. This should be fixed.
You may not have Quiver open at all times. And not all your stuff is in Quiver. Spotlight search will provide a single place to search for all your stuff. Evernote seems to have Spotlight integration, but it also seems very buggy."
Then he said "Unfortunately this doesn't work. I have implemented the Spotlight importer, but found out that Spotlight doesn't index files inside a file package. Since Quiver notes (.qvnote) are inside a Quiver notebook (.qvnotebook) which is a file package, Spotlight won't index the notes. If I move the .qvnote file outside of the notebook, Spotlight indexes it right away.
So either I have to change the file persistence scheme, or duplicate all the notes somewhere else. Neither seems to be a good idea.
Mark this as "WONT FIX" unless some other ideas come up in the future."
Brett Terpstra replied later saying: "+1 on this.
You have to export the spotlight-indexable content to caches and add an mdimporter that can associate the cached data with a specific note. You'd basically be caching the JSON in a temp folder for Spotlight's sake, but that's how Evernote and DEVONthink and others handle it." MMMM want dat DEVONthink integration.
And OSX 10.11/El Captain has something called deep links that someone said very recently. ylian, the dev, then said probably available in version 3.1 in early Sept 2015. But since Quiver 3.0 beta is still going on through the end of 2015, 3.1 might not be available until after winter 2015 aka like March, April 2016 earliest. Too far!
Quiver documentation and issue tracker
#@to_look_into #local_searching #brain_ecstasy #procrastination_fun #knowledge_bases #indexing #pub
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Trailblazer: A High-Level Architecture For The Web
_A thin layer on top of Rails. Say they are better. 6 gems make up all of this._
"A High-Level Architecture For The Web - Trailblazer"
#interesting #ruby #gems #frameworks #!pinned #alternatives #rails #opinionated #dev #@to_grok #@to_look_into #SaaS #freemium #cheapish #toread #pub
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ROM » Home
"Ruby Object Mapper
ROM is an open-source persistence and mapping toolkit for Ruby built for speed and simplicity."
#interesting #dev #ruby #gems #alternatives #@to_grok #@to_look_into #toread #pub
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System Requirements Lab
top right button on the page "Can You RUN it, has a link to this.
#ideas #@to_look_into #copy_hm #pub
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Native Ad Buzz
Their pricing is way too cheap - $47 (tho this one is so simple and basically worthless, just there to make you get the main $97 one. The $797 one is for an agency, basically the same, but "agency" so 10 logins, feature of ad-watch update notifications, and feature of advertiser contact csv - not something i can offer at first, unless their stuff is pretty simple and just a whois crawl into a csv - will check)
@TODO _Another site in the same-ish space of paid software for [affiliate] ad intelligence.
Grab all you can from these and look into them later._
_hm, ad_intelligence is a new tag. what was the tag I was using with that sort of wording before?_
_Just found this as a group related to the previous bookmark of the other closed FB group._
"Discover what's hot and launch winning Native Ad campaigns 1,195,341 Ads, 10 Major Networks, 12 Countries and 5 Device Types"
#werk #alternatives #competition #competitors #niches #affiliate_marketing #ad_intelligence #$AFMA #SaaS #paid #trial #affiliate_world #affiliates #@to_research #@to_look_into #@to_grab #@TODO #home_page #$kippt_bookmark #pub
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UpGuard - IT Visibility, Risk Management, and Digital Resilience
#unsure #dev #sysadmin #devops #$AFMA_umbrella #SaaS #SaaS_esque #enterprisey #B2B #B2SB #@to_look_at #security #data #@to_look_into #@to_research #monitoring #startups #freemium #pub
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Reputation management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
#$AFMA_umbrella #@to_look_into #!TO_TAG_bit_more #pub
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Ops School Curriculum — Ops School Curriculum 0.1 documentation
#dev #sysadmin #operations #tutorials #in-depth #learning #@TODO #@to_look_into #pub
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Loading... | Hashtag Analytics | Organizing the world's hashtags, providing hashtag analytics and tracking
#ideas #copycopy #pub
subsidiary_sites: footer links to LOGIKA Corporation(R) allows_user_registration, oauth, oauth_only: can only login and register via Twitter. They also have solid clickbait/linkbait content like hashtag definitions, pages for every hashtag. SO basically a ton of stuff. IE: which is a solid page of automated stuff and aggregated data. They got "content resources" like or Then my god just screaming of spambutnotspam sort of shiz: which is linked from the first tab on home page is just a few listed links, clicking any goes to another page usually, same look, like: Clicking something on there then goes to article editorial sort of pages about stuff happening with hashtags. I wonder how automated this is? Example list of article editorial page is: and then an article from there is: It is only 5 down but 9 months not too updated with how they are spreading the stuff out. Latest one on that page is 6 weeks old. So they are def still updating. Overall the monthly pricing is not cheap for sure. _New tag: google_bait, which is basically SEO bait. And prob want to change clickbait and linkbait to have an underscore_ _New tag: allows_user_registration. Was going to do membership or something but that's already there and maybe points toward something paid. While I'm just saying free registration is possible/easy to do. Initially was going to do site_or_app_that_allows_user_registration but that is clearly too long...and now I'm writing too much_ #automated #revenue_model #research #linkbait #spambutnotspam #aggregation #oauth_only #SaaS #twitters #oauth #data_driven #!TO_TAG_bit_more #paid #monitoring #ideas #reference_for_work #data_visualization #data_mining #social_media #data #pricey #hashtags #APIs #SEO #data_analytics #revenue_stream #web_2.0 #monthly #subsidiary_sites #tracking #google_bait #copycopy #work #data_generation #SEO_oriented #allows_user_registration #crawling #@to_look_into #toread
subsidiary_sites: footer links to LOGIKA Corporation(R) allows_user_registration, oauth, oauth_only: can only login and register via Twitter. They also have solid clickbait/linkbait content like hashtag definitions, pages for every hashtag. SO basically a ton of stuff. IE: which is a solid page of automated stuff and aggregated data. They got "content resources" like or Then my god just screaming of spambutnotspam sort of shiz: which is linked from the first tab on home page is just a few listed links, clicking any goes to another page usually, same look, like: Clicking something on there then goes to article editorial sort of pages about stuff happening with hashtags. I wonder how automated this is? Example list of article editorial page is: and then an article from there is: It is only 5 down but 9 months not too updated with how they are spreading the stuff out. Latest one on that page is 6 weeks old. So they are def still updating. Overall the monthly pricing is not cheap for sure. _New tag: google_bait, which is basically SEO bait. And prob want to change clickbait and linkbait to have an underscore_ _New tag: allows_user_registration. Was going to do membership or something but that's already there and maybe points toward something paid. While I'm just saying free registration is possible/easy to do. Initially was going to do site_or_app_that_allows_user_registration but that is clearly too long...and now I'm writing too much_ #automated #revenue_model #research #linkbait #spambutnotspam #aggregation #oauth_only #SaaS #twitters #oauth #data_driven #!TO_TAG_bit_more #paid #monitoring #ideas #reference_for_work #data_visualization #data_mining #social_media #data #pricey #hashtags #APIs #SEO #data_analytics #revenue_stream #web_2.0 #monthly #subsidiary_sites #tracking #google_bait #copycopy #work #data_generation #SEO_oriented #allows_user_registration #crawling #@to_look_into #toread
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The best value in SSD cloud server hosting | SSD Nodes
Doesn't have all the frills, but seems to have most of what Digital Ocean has excluding pre-done images which I don't really need nor the community. Cheap AF!! Could move scraping here. Save $30 for 2 servers. With double the RAM and more space.
#best_of #@to_look_into #$AFMA #cheap_finds #hosting #cloud_hosting #pub
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AWS Activate
Offers lots of promotional credits. Starting at $1K. Don't know if you need to be with an an incubator, accelerator or funded though. It doesn't seem like it for the $1K offer. Others you do. "Builders package applicants are required to have a working company website, matching domain email address and are evaluated for acceptance into the Activate program based on several additional factors including prior AWS usage and credit history."
#startups #free #free* #deals #@to_look_into #pub
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