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"The new triggers are ‘New tweet by you’, ‘New tweet by you with hashtag’, ‘New link by you and new favorite by you’. The new actions are ‘Post a tweet’, ‘Post a tweet with image’, ‘Add user to list’, ‘Update profile picture’ and ‘Update bio’. Some triggers have the ability to include regular tweets as well as retweets and replies." #ifttt #twitters #triggers #news #pub
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#ideas #copycopy #pub

subsidiary_sites: footer links to LOGIKA Corporation(R)

allows_user_registration, oauth, oauth_only: can only login and register via Twitter.

They also have solid clickbait/linkbait content like hashtag definitions, pages for every hashtag. SO basically a ton of stuff. IE: which is a solid page of automated stuff and aggregated data.

They got "content resources" like or

Then my god just screaming of spambutnotspam sort of shiz: which is linked from the first tab on home page is just a few listed links, clicking any goes to another page usually, same look, like: Clicking something on there then goes to article editorial sort of pages about stuff happening with hashtags. I wonder how automated this is? Example list of article editorial page is: and then an article from there is: It is only 5 down but 9 months not too updated with how they are spreading the stuff out. Latest one on that page is 6 weeks old. So they are def still updating.

Overall the monthly pricing is not cheap for sure.

_New tag: google_bait, which is basically SEO bait. And prob want to change clickbait and linkbait to have an underscore_

_New tag: allows_user_registration. Was going to do membership or something but that's already there and maybe points toward something paid. While I'm just saying free registration is possible/easy to do. Initially was going to do site_or_app_that_allows_user_registration but that is clearly too long...and now I'm writing too much_ #automated #revenue_model #research #linkbait #spambutnotspam #aggregation #oauth_only #SaaS #twitters #oauth #data_driven #!TO_TAG_bit_more #paid #monitoring #ideas #reference_for_work #data_visualization #data_mining #social_media #data #pricey #hashtags #APIs #SEO #data_analytics #revenue_stream #web_2.0 #monthly #subsidiary_sites #tracking #google_bait #copycopy #work #data_generation #SEO_oriented #allows_user_registration #crawling #@to_look_into #toread
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