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"Blend of tit +‎ entertainment, in reference to the pacifying effect of watching TV, similar to that of a child sucking on its mother's breast. Noun[edit] tittytainment (uncountable) A form of lowest common denominator entertainment designed to appeal to the masses and refrain people from thinking." #$tag_more #best_of #books #patterns_the_cult_of_the_amateur #tittytainment #pub
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How many of the 300 likes and the dozen replies block ads or other similar tactics that are also against the terms of service and many times are also hurting individual people if these people are okay not fully paying big corporations? How is that not completely hypocritical? No less for shaming someone else for attempting to do what you actually already do. #hypocrisy #i_am_benevolent_pattern #holier_than_thou_pattern #patterns_sensitive_about_their_shit_as_if_its_so_obviously_right #patterns_the_cult_of_the_amateur #$patterns #pub
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#hypocrisy #PC_hypocrisy #$patterns #patterns_entitlement #patterns_the_cult_of_the_amateur #holier_than_thou_pattern #patterns_sensitive_about_their_shit_as_if_its_so_obviously_right #pub
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