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"is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known, and might not exist outside the mind" -- Though the word is a deeper, it is a good word for the wrongness of the idea of "let_people_do_what_they_want_is_the_nice_and_proper_thing_pattern". Just because it is your thought and you feel a certain way, doesn't make it right. #let_people_do_what_they_want_is_the_nice_and_proper_thing_pattern #philosophy #arguments #logic #references #pub
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Check my Pinboard note since description is too long as I'm quoting parts, etc, id: 824bf4c7fad1 #trippy #science #@top_bookmarks #philosophy #discussions #references #deep #deep_thinking #@linked_to_another_bookmark #@linked_to_a_note #neuroscience #pub
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"After simple dental surgery, William lost his ability to form new memories. This real-life medical mystery should change the way we think about the brain, says David Robson." #trippy #@linked_to_a_note #deep_thinking #discussions #philosophy #references #deep #@linked_to_another_bookmark #science #articles #journalism #neuroscience #pub
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The OG overall discussion and Hacker News link. So all 131 comments shown. And title, link, etc. #@linked_to_a_note #deep_thinking #discussions #trippy #philosophy #references #deep #@linked_to_another_bookmark #science #neuroscience #pub
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Rationality Cardinality
#!TO_TAG_bit_more #party_games #nerdy #geeky #card_games #rationality #logic #philosophy #less_wrong #pub
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