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Join the latest Shuffle room for The Holy Fool Resurfaces #best_of #best_ever #top_lists #$kippt_bookmark_lists #lists #GOAT #mind_fuck #existential #inspo #inspiration #deep #podcasts #episodes #single_items #favs #toread #pub
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Cool to get detailed info like this in a single article. A site could do this too, but this is def really cool. It is outdated so a clear point of last edit would be nice. Not a big deal though #citations #deep #pub
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One of the most common misconceptions about philosophy is that philosophical views are just opinions and hence any view is just as good (or bad) as any other. This article attempts to show why the above is not necessarily correct. #contradiction #smug #philosophy #deep #pub
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This blog post will focus on how we use Basecamp, which has been one of our main tools for managing the ongoing work of individual projects. My take: Very detailed and thorough post. #basecamp #pr0n #productivity #task #management #guide #deep #pub
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Example of how this seemingly mfa/blackhat shady looking site gives information about _a keyword and its search results_ #data #statistics #in-depth #keywords #deep #SEO #automated #pub
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Check my Pinboard note since description is too long as I'm quoting parts, etc, id: 824bf4c7fad1 #trippy #science #@top_bookmarks #philosophy #discussions #references #deep #deep_thinking #@linked_to_another_bookmark #@linked_to_a_note #neuroscience #pub
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"After simple dental surgery, William lost his ability to form new memories. This real-life medical mystery should change the way we think about the brain, says David Robson." #trippy #@linked_to_a_note #deep_thinking #discussions #philosophy #references #deep #@linked_to_another_bookmark #science #articles #journalism #neuroscience #pub
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The OG overall discussion and Hacker News link. So all 131 comments shown. And title, link, etc. #@linked_to_a_note #deep_thinking #discussions #trippy #philosophy #references #deep #@linked_to_another_bookmark #science #neuroscience #pub
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