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Liked on YouTube. | Title: An Alien 5% Smarter Than Us. | Description: Neil deGrasse Tyson on Intelligent alien life being smarter than us.

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#science #shorts #space. | Published at: February 5, 2023 at 03:00PM.

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The Solar System to Scale
"View the solar system to scale This website aims to put our solar system in to perspective. Everything on this site is to scale, including the planet sizes and distances between them. All sizes are calculated based on the Sun having a 650 pixel radius. Try scrolling down to find a planet in the vastness of space within our solar system. Or, to discover the planets more easily, use the navigation bar on the left to jump to a planet of your choice." #linkbait #geeky #science #astronomy #scale #pub
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Flash app that shows a scale from tiny particles/cells/atoms, etc all the way to the relative size of the far away planets, stars, galaxies, to whole universe. #breathtaking #amazing #personal #perspective #science #astronomy #pub
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" the age of 22 months, orchidectomy was performed to remove his testes…given the name Brenda. Psychological support for the reassignment and surgery was provided by John Money, who continued to see Reimer annually for about a decade for consultations and to assess the outcome. This reassignment was considered an especially valid test case of the social learning concept of gender identity for two reasons. First, Reimer's twin brother, Brian, made an ideal control since the brothers shared genes, family environments and the intrauterine environment. Second, this was reputed to be the first reassignment and reconstruction performed on a male infant who had no abnormality of prenatal or early postnatal sexual differentiation. Dr. Money forced the twins to rehearse sexual acts involving "thrusting movements" with David playing the bottom role.[4] As a child, David Reimer painfully recalled having to get "down on all fours" with his brother, Brian Reimer, "up behind his butt" with "his crotch against" his "buttocks".[4] In another sexual position, Dr. Money forced David to have his "legs spread" with Brian on top.[4] Dr. Money also forced the children to take their "clothes off" and engage in "genital inspections".[4] On at "least one occasion", Dr. Money took a photograph of the two children doing these activities.[4] Dr. Money's rationale for these various treatments was his belief that "childhood 'sexual rehearsal play'" was important for a "healthy adult gender identity"" #Horrible #evil #genders #science #suicide #psychology #pub
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"Planets of the Solar System to scale. Jupiter and Saturn (top row), Uranus and Neptune (top middle), Earth and Venus (bottom middle), Mars and Mercury. If the Sun-Neptune distance were scaled to the length of a football or soccer field of about 100 meters long, the Sun would be less than 3 cm in diameter (about two-thirds that of a golf ball), the gas giants would all be less than 3 mm across (smaller than a BB pellet) and Earth's diameter and the other terrestrial planets would be less than 0.3 mm (smaller than a flea)." #science #astronomy #solar_systems #pub
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"Simpson's paradox, or the Yule–Simpson effect, is a paradox in probability and statistics, in which a trend that appears in different groups of data disappears or reverses when these groups are combined. It is sometimes given the impersonal title reversal paradox or amalgamation paradox.[1] This result is often encountered in social-science and medical-science statistics,[2] and is particularly confounding when frequency data are unduly given causal interpretations.[3] Simpson's paradox disappears when causal relations are brought into consideration. Many statisticians believe that the mainstream public should be informed of the counter-intuitive results in statistics such as Simpson's paradox." -- Super interesting. The Berkeley 1973 sexism lawsuit is a perfect example to understand this. #statistics #paradox #probability #science #data #bias #contrary_to_common_sense #@references #@memorize #interesting #from #delicious #pub
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Check my Pinboard note since description is too long as I'm quoting parts, etc, id: 824bf4c7fad1 #trippy #science #@top_bookmarks #philosophy #discussions #references #deep #deep_thinking #@linked_to_another_bookmark #@linked_to_a_note #neuroscience #pub
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"After simple dental surgery, William lost his ability to form new memories. This real-life medical mystery should change the way we think about the brain, says David Robson." #trippy #@linked_to_a_note #deep_thinking #discussions #philosophy #references #deep #@linked_to_another_bookmark #science #articles #journalism #neuroscience #pub
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The OG overall discussion and Hacker News link. So all 131 comments shown. And title, link, etc. #@linked_to_a_note #deep_thinking #discussions #trippy #philosophy #references #deep #@linked_to_another_bookmark #science #neuroscience #pub
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Mega-Earth - Wikipedia
Crazy! Only 3 verified Mega-Earths. I'm not sure if terrestrial here can also mean ice planets, which are mostly useless to us, right?I think it does. #astronomy #interesting #science #%wiki #pub
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