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Userscript for Basecamp Classic. - Colour codes specified keywords in to-do items - (To-do overview only) Expand/Collapse project to-do lists - (To-do overview only) Adds quick links to project timesheet and to-do item comment pages #basecamp #classic #github #code #javascript #userscript #enhancement #hack #tweak #management #pr0n #pub
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Basecamp command line tools #javascript #cli #basecamp #extension #code #opensource #github #management #pr0n #pub
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A small userscript for Greasemonkey and Chrome to display the todo lists in a more organized tabbed way in the basecamp todo list view. By default the categories are "Frontend", "Backend", "Gestaltung", "System", edit the script to use custom categories. #basecamp #hack #tweak #management #opensource #github #userscript #javascript #pr0n #code #pub
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A simple Chrome usability extension that makes Basecamp a bit more usable. #a #logging #project #management #basecamp #github #extension #tweak #hack #code #opensource #javascript #pr0n #userscript #pub
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Basecamp is missing the ability to assign an effort value to to-do items and then provide the sum total effort of all tasks in a list. If you are on an agile team, then knowing the relative size of a task and the sum total of a group of tasks helps when planning the work to be performed in an upcoming iteration (sprint) or the total effort remaining in a backlog of tasks. This userscript adds that functionality. #agile #basecamp #development #pr0n #hack #tweak #extension #github #opensource #code #a #logging #project #javascript #userscript #pub
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Taskwarrior-web by theunraveler
A Sinatra-based web interface for the Taskwarrior todo application. Because being a neckbeard is only fun sometimes. The current featureset includes: - Viewing tasks (duh) sorted and grouped in various ways - Creating a new task with a due date, project, and tags - task-web will pull your task config (from .taskrc) and determine date formatting/marking upcoming tasks as "due" - gets dock badge showing number of pending tasks. - Optional Basic HTTP Auth protection #interesting #productivity #taskwarrior #cli #ruby #sinatra #http #code #opensource #github #pr0n #management #task #fun #pub
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Taskwarrior - Overview
t maintains a list of tasks that you want to do, allowing you to add/remove, and otherwise manipulate them. Task has a rich list of subcommands that allow you to do sophisticated things with it. You'll find it has customizable reports, charts, GTD features, Lua extensions, device synching and more #taskwarrior #cli #opensource #task #management #productivity #pr0n #gtd #fun #pub
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This is a toolshed, or workshop, for our software development. This is the infrastructure that supports the worldwide distributed development team that brings you Taskwarrior. #gtd #taskwarrior #parent #company #development #interesting #fun #pr0n #pub
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An example of a sleek yet minimalist list of a developers 'toolbox' aka products they use for productive work. #toolbox #app #list #fun #reference #a #logging #project #skinnymuch #development #pr0n #management #pub
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Read & Trust
They say, "Read & Trust is committed to gathering together the best independent writers available—the ones recommended by the writers you read and trust." _A bunch of blogs of the same tech guys that whine about stuff they care about, especially when it will benefit them, to the likes of Google. Their whims are most important!_ #elitism #smug #hypocrisy #leaders #blogs #pr0n #pandering #web2.0 #tech #list #elitist #curated #pub
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Could try to use these in Alfred or switch to Quicksilver even. #fun #ideas #pr0n #productivity #faux #pub
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Template idea that can also be used on stuff like Simplenote, Basecamp/Apollo, Lighthouse/Flow (ticketing), Backpack/Trello, Day One/Mars Edit #productivity #pr0n #tip #hack #geeky #note #taking #shortcut #pub
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Simple app that builds on the idea of using iPad while working on your main hardware. This app specifically is too weak and plain though. #geeky #productivity #pr0n #iPad #app #store #pricey #pub
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Different keyword clouds for #research #personal #logging #project #fun #pr0n #keyword #tag #cloud #scripts #programming #pub
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DevonThink Pro | MacResearch
#research #an #organization #project #devonthink #devon #technologies #productivity #pr0n #Software #review #in-depth #pub
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#evernote #integration #gtd #app #productivity #pr0n #task #management #web #2.0 #SaaS #ugly #freemium #pub
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"Drafts is the quick, easy way to capture and share ideas on your iPhone or iPod Touch. In Drafts, text comes first – open the app and you always get a new, blank draft. Don't get bogged down in a timeline just to tweet or post to Facebook. Don't tap your way through multiple screens to get down an email or SMS. Don't navigate folders, create files and name them just to jot down a note or create a todo…"Extensive output" __No crack available yet it seems__ #iOS #app #sync #export #things #evernote #thehitlist #store #feature #rich #in-depth #productivity #pr0n #pub
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Notebooks | About
iOS app is decent price around $5 and no crack seems to be available. __From the site: With its unique combination, Notebooks can replace several dedicated apps:__ (1) Note Taker, (2) Text Processor, (3) Markdown Composer, (4) Task Manager, (5) File Storage, (6) Clipboard Manager, (7) PDF Converter #iOS #app #sync #export #things #evernote #store #feature #rich #in-depth #productivity #pr0n #plain #text #pub
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Postbox — Awesome Email
Based off Mozilla's Thunderbird. #mozilla #thunderbird #cross #platform #desktop #mail #app #productivity #organization #pr0n #dropbox #evernote #gmail #integration #czarrar #pub
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Mark wrote a handful of simple free Mac apps relating to productivity pr0n. #motley #freeware #mac #apps #simple #add-ons #built #on #top #of #utilities #productivity #pr0n #pub
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