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Textastic App
iPad text and code editing app that includes SFTP and Dropbox integration. #wishlist #ipad #app #pub
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#apple #minimalism #simplicity #simple #wisdom #tech #celebrity #design #ux #ui #iOS #iMac #iPad #iPod #iPhone #success #ship #pub
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Simple app that builds on the idea of using iPad while working on your main hardware. This app specifically is too weak and plain though. #geeky #productivity #pr0n #iPad #app #store #pricey #pub
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#wislist #iPad #synchronize #folders #sleek #pub
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#notes #Mac #iPad #apps #productivity_procrastination #pub
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"Soulver is elegant. Soulver builds a calculator into a notepad, so you do calculations without needing another place to record the answers. This means you can see all your work all the time, change any part of it, and your calculation is displayed instantly as you type. SoulverOnIpad Taking advantage of the iPad A traditional calculator with a one-line readout doesn't take advantage of the iPad's large display. Soulver lets you break up calculations over multiple lines, so you can really use the screen. You add, remove, and rearrange lines too. A Keyboard just for Calculating Soulver's gorgeous big-buttoned keyboard is designed for doing quick math. In landscape we've also included a number of special keyboards for doing quick functions, percentages, variables and programming functions. A Harmony of Words and Numbers Soulver uniquely lets you use words alongside your numbers so your calculations make sense. words#bers2 And when you show it to someone else, it'll make s... #geeky #iPad #tools #calculations #price:$5 #apps #calculators #intuitive #natural #mental_boners #pub
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#iPad #mobile_apps #data #!TO_TAG_bit_more #productivity_fun #geeky #@to_look_at #data_visualization #quantified_self #apps #graphs #analytics #toread #pub
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Dejal - Tweeps
Dejal Tweeps - an iPad and iPhone application to manage Twitter accounts.

Last update was Dec. 2014. Not sure if it even work or if it will for much longer? #iPad #twitter #organization #aggregation #!TO_TAG_bit_more #monitoring #iOS #paid #management #apps #pub
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Looks like a very nice CRM for my needs, as a personal CRM manager and for business too, but much more friendly and not so business focused with all that shiz. No web interface it seems. Reviews seem to indicate the "syncing" isn't that great, but if it works decently, then maybe this would be good. #CRMs #cross-platform #iOS #iPad #mac #alternatives #pub
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Vipor CRM
Uh, is this free? I don't get it. Doesn't seem to be as good as Highrise or the other Mac app, but if it is free or cheap, then who cares! ANd it def seems to be for simpler and more personal focused management. Has some sycning and aggregating too, calendar, etc... #CRMs #cross-platform #iOS #iPad #mac #alternatives #free* #pub
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#%product_hunt #ipad #iOS #apps #organization #photo_managers #$tag_more #pub
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#sturdy #best_of #iPad #cases #Gadgets #pub
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This allows for all apps (including iPhone-only apps) to run in SplitView or SlideOver. Might only work for iOS 13 #jailbreaking #multitasking #ipad #tweaks #iOS_14 #iOS #pub
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Are you using Zoom on your iPad? Check these 13 awesome keyboard shortcuts for a better and uninterrupted video calling experience. #keyboard_shortcuts #Zoomers #ipad #Zoom #pub
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