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Seething with anger at this depiction of their ' I'll copy/paste eblume's sole comment for the Hacker News thread: "It seems like the article is reporting that 'the nerds of Silicon Valley are all upset' that rich people are getting rewarded for success in a meritocracy." "First, where are these meetings I've been missing where all the nerds of Silicon Valley get together and decide what they like and what they don't like? I for one did not vote on the Meritocracy Referendum - was this my mistake, or were other nerds disenfranchised in that regional election?" "Put it another way - the youngest generation of rich entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley are the children of successful hackers (or at least some of them are)." #elitism #fuckyou #hypocrisy #meritocracy #disingenuous #web2.0 #silicon #valley #pub
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As the subtitle says, "C'mon, we all know you're not really going to delete it.". Or at least almost all these people will move on to another ethically identical product or come back to Instagram in the future. Finally, these people are posting this on Twitter...LOL. And how many have a Facebook account they use more than once a month? of these people #stupidity #lemmings #sheeple #society #outrage #hypocrisy #social #media #twitter #attention #whores #ethics #web2.0 #Facebook #instagram #pub
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Read & Trust
They say, "Read & Trust is committed to gathering together the best independent writers available—the ones recommended by the writers you read and trust." _A bunch of blogs of the same tech guys that whine about stuff they care about, especially when it will benefit them, to the likes of Google. Their whims are most important!_ #elitism #smug #hypocrisy #leaders #blogs #pr0n #pandering #web2.0 #tech #list #elitist #curated #pub
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"To put the acquisition in perspective I pulled together data from a selection of 30 notable internet acquisitions over the last 10 years, from to OMGPop to see if Facebook/Instagram for $1 billion was as crazy as everyone thinks. (I left out companies without public purchase prices or user stats.)" He even uses companies like Zappos and know...companies with actual revenue models and/or profitability. LOL. #disingenuous #lies #statistics #bullshit #social #media #web2.0 #bubble #public #stocks #instagram #Facebook #acquisition #pub
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#funny #geeky #linkbait #easy #steal #idea #web2.0 #SEO #website #tech #circlejerk #pub
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#Goals #Goal_tracking #progress #peer_pressure #web2.0 #pub
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Social logging script from varios web 2.0 sources to Day One. But good for me to use their scraping to work with own skinnymuch site. #logging #web2.0 #aggregation #lifestream #api #pub
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Create your own lifestream, take control of your data. Example: Built on Rails 3 and Mysql. Supports: - Twitter - Foursquare - - Flickr - Google Reader #web2.0 #aggregation #lifestream #logging #api #pub
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Apparently the parent company of Digg, Bitly, Chartbeat, and more #web_empire #professional #web2.0 #web_network #pub
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"User Management API Authentication and Access Control for any Application User workflows and password security - Easy and FREE" ### Role-based Access Control ### Quickly manage your groups and users with our easy UI, hosted directories, and ironclad API. We make RBAC easy. ### Secure Authentication ### Authenticate and provision users securely with a simple API call. Never manage user data or passwords again. ### Built-in Workflows ### Drop in user security workflows like account verification, password reset, account locking. Don't roll your own. #authentication #api #authorization #web_development #database #web2.0 #pub
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