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Omnifocus Themes
Some themes, especially by TAT are nice. Also two of The Hit List themes are sleek looking too. #productivity #p0rn #omnifocus #omnigroup #ui #themes #task #management #pub
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E-paper watch for iPhone and Android.Raised $10 million from 70K people at Kickstarters. Those people who pledged $100 are getting it at that discount. Will retail for $150. Seems too good to be true. #kickstarter #geeky #productivity #p0rn #wishlist #tba #pub
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Switching from the monthly freemium model to just a one time paid app model. I assume they'll supplement this with some sort of monthly or in-app purchase charges? This really feels like another Things - beautiful app, hype when comes out, but abandonware or only bug fixes within a year of launch #productivity #p0rn #project #task #management #pub
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" helps you keep focused by applying schedulable firewall rules to distracting websites. An example firewall rule looks like this: def domain_reddit_com(dt): return dt.hour == 21 # allow from 9-10pm" " is, at its core, a DNS server." #focus #productivity #p0rn #discipline #opensource #DNS #filtering #blocking #pub
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"Block certain hosts when you need to get stuff done." Uses the hosts file. Shell script #focus #productivity #p0rn #discipline #opensource #filtering #blocking #hosts #shell #pub
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Same old problem of this sort of shitty site. They need to pump out content so they'll keep releasing linkbait worthless content and if there isn't a problem, they'll say there's still a problem to keep content flowing. #pandering #superficial #bullshit #productivity #p0rn #pub
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"gleeBox is an experimental project that takes a keyboard-centric approach to navigating the web. It provides alternatives to actions that are traditionally performed via the mouse. Some of these are radically more efficient than using a mouse, some not so much. In all cases, they are mostly meant for keyboard and command line lovers." #browser_extension #Safari #vim #keyboard_centric #shortcuts #keyboard_shortcuts #browser_extensions #chrome #unique_spin #productivity_porn #productivity #efficiency #utilities #from #delicious #pub
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"Good news for everyone with an Android phone. Today, one of our little side projects called ReadTracker became available in the Android Market. ReadTracker is built using our public API, and lets you share the reading of your physical books to Readmill." #productivity #reading #personal #android #app #web_2.0 #for_luug #for_jarrett #pub
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#idea #Goals #productivity #social_media #linkbait #web_2.0 #copy #pub
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"Say you’re just about to start working on something. You sit down, put on your headphones and start writing code. After two hours of intensive work you find out you’ve gotten almost nowhere. You’re wondering why, you didn’t think the task you picked would take that much time, in fact you didn’t think about it at all. So you’ve spent two hours and you feel like you have done nothing. You think, “I might as well check if there are some new creative uses of my favorite meme.” And you end up on Reddit. If you had estimated the task in the first place, you would know it’s a three pointer, so it’s gonna take a while and that’s okay. After finishing it after four hours of intensive focus, you know exactly why it took so long — because it was a three pointer! And you know you’ve accomplished a good deal of work, and you’re happy to keep going. Now let’s talk about another case: There’s some really easy task to do, but suddenly something of highest importance appears in your Facebook news feed (your ex is now in a relationship). Two hours later you find out you could’ve finished your simple task a long time ago, but you didn’t, so you’re really demotivated. If you estimated that task in the first place, it would get a point or two, and you would feel really motivated to deliver it. When the important Facebook item comes up you would think “well my ex being in a relationship is utterly important, but this task is just a one-pointer so I’m gonna finish it first.”... " #productivity #task_management #discipline #mindfulness #blog_posts #to_the_point #pub
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"So this guy hired a girl to slap him whenever he goes to Facebook in the middle of work. I thought the idea was brilliant. Here's a Mac application that will check Safari and Chrome, and warn you whenever you end up on a timewasting website of your choice. (I tried to make it sound as when you forget about the seatbelt in car.)" #productivity #app #mac #discipline #pub
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"It took a weekend" #MVP #motivation #productivity #web_apps #pub
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"How Habbit make habits easier Achievable Instead of big, unrealistic goals that demotivate you, break it down into levels of 1 to 10 days. Automatic Train your habits to become automatic over time by setting personal cues for each habit. Immediate Turn vague, long-term consequences into concrete, visible impact you can see immediately. Motivate Build your virtual (and eventually real) future self to make building habits engaging and meaningful." #productivity #SaaS #free #pay_what_you_want #habits #tracking #geeky #web_apps #$productivity_apps #pub
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