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User Feedback Tool

Collect, organize, and analyze product feedback in one place to make better product decisions. Start building products that your customers love.

#dev #SaaS #freemium #user_feedback #roadmaps

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Thousands of leading companies use LaunchNotes to launch new products, announce new features, share product roadmaps, collect customer feedback, and more. #startups #SaaS #trial #roadmaps #customer_support #pub
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#project_management #php #APIs #trial #monthly #SaaS #sexy #web_2.0 #startups #incubators #milestones #roadmaps #organization #productivity #pub
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Aha! is the new way to create visual product roadmaps. Web-based product management tools and roadmapping software for agile product managers. #pricey #product_management #!TO_TAG_bit_more #startup_plan #roadmaps #project_management #trial #SaaS #integrations #pub
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Built for product management excellence, Wizeline has plans for organizations of every size, from lead product management teams to Fortune 50 companies. #pricey #freemium #roadmaps #!TO_TAG_bit_more #SaaS #trial #project_management #product_management #pub
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14 day trial. Looks like the Gantt sort of stuff vs the sleek, simple, obviously grokkable and enjoyable look of InterstateApp :( #roadmaps #apps #$kippt_bookmark #SaaS #paid #pricey #trial #short_trial #enterprisey #enterprisey_look #Gantt #pub
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#kanban_boards #pricey #project_management #roadmaps #station_app #trial #customer_retainment #customer_feedback #customer_support #$AFMA_umbrella #product_management #pub
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#roadmaps #startups #funded #SaaS #trial #paid #product_management #pub
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#roadmaps #dynalist #startups #tools #iOS #web_apps #apps #%i_use_this_legit #pub
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Pricey AF! $120/month minimum!?!?!? #kanban_boards #pricey #project_management #roadmaps #station_app #trial #unique_spin_slightly #product_management #pub
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#customer_feedback #customer_retainment #SaaS #trial #paid #cheapish #roadmaps #customer_roadmaps #freemium #pub
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