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Looks super cool. everything being real time in the database with updates seamlessly showing up in React is cool if it’s all in one. #dev #Zoomers #$proj_zoomers_hq #free* #beta #startups #firebase #alternatives #stack #tech_stacks #toread
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#freemium #crawlers #searching #SaaS #$kippt_bookmark #listings #services #tech_stacks #ideas #browser_extensions #open_source #%on_github #$AFMA #$afma-v #pub
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#!TO_TAG_bit_more #ideas #SaaS #enterprisey #freemium #searching #services #tech_stacks #$kippt_bookmark #listings #$AFMA_umbrella #site_technology_analyzer #pub
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#$kippt_bookmark #SaaS #services #tech_stacks #searching #pub
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#SaaS #listings #searching #services #ideas #tech_stacks #browser_extensions #$kippt_bookmark #freemium #crawlers #$AFMA_umbrella #site_technology_analyzer #$site_technology_stack #pub
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Web Applications
#site_analyzers #tech_stacks #lists #references #in-depth #@to_look_at #@to_parse #$AFMA #$afma-v #pub
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#code #site_analyzer #$AFMA #tech_stacks #$afma-v #open_source #%on_github #pub
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#code #site_analyzer #$AFMA #tech_stacks #$afma-v #open_source #%on_github #%wiki #documentation #references #pub
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#code #site_analyzer #$AFMA #tech_stacks #$afma-v #open_source #%on_github #%wiki #documentation #references #pub
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#code #site_analyzer #$AFMA #tech_stacks #$afma-v #open_source #%on_github #%wiki #documentation #references #lists #pub
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"This is merely a port of the javascript parts of Wappalyzer extension for Firefox and Chrome. It analyzes a url and tries to guess what software it uses (like server software, CMS, framework, programming language)." So might get rate blocked? #code #site_analyzer #$AFMA #tech_stacks #$afma-v #open_source #%on_github #ruby #gems #pub
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Not sure how this works. Guessing in a similar way? #code #site_analyzer #$AFMA #tech_stacks #$afma-v #open_source #%on_github #%wiki #ruby #pub
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#$AFMA #basics #code #site_analyzer #tech_stacks #breadcrumbs #$afma-v #in-depth #lists #pub
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#$AFMA #basics #code #site_analyzer #tech_stacks #lists #in-depth #$afma-v #best_of #%on_github #pub
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#%product_hunt #startups #SaaS #free* #beta #alternatives #$AFMA_umbrella #$kippt_bookmark #browser_extensions #crawlers #freemium #ideas #listings #searching #services #$site_technology_stack #site_technology_analyzer #tech_stacks #pub
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#$AFMA_umbrella #$kippt_bookmark #$site_technology_stack #%product_hunt #SaaS #alternatives #beta #browser_extensions #crawlers #free* #freemium #ideas #listings #searching #services #site_technology_analyzer #startups #tech_stacks #pub
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#$kippt_bookmark #SaaS #ideas #listings #searching #discovery #services #$site_technology_stack #site_technology_analyzer #tech_stacks #copy_later #pub
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#$kippt_bookmark #SaaS #ideas #listings #searching #discovery #services #$site_technology_stack #site_technology_analyzer #tech_stacks #copy_later #pub
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