Public Notes
How to pass a programming interview
Being a good programmer has a surprisingly small role in passing programming interviews. To be a productive programmer, you need to be able to solve large, sprawling problems over weeks and months. Each question in an interview, in contrast, lasts less than one hour. To do well in an interview, then, you need to be able to solve small problems quickly, under duress, while explaining your thoughts clearly. This is a different skill. On top of this, interviewers are often poorly trained and inattentive (they would rather be programming), and ask questions far removed from actual work. They bring bias, pattern matching, and a lack of standardization.
#$kareer #tidbits #@@bhav
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How do you use nomie in practice? : nomie
Cycling window layouts with hammerspoon
Todo Mode · rxhanson/Rectangle Wiki
New in v0.42, you can use Rectangle to keep a chosen application (presumably, your todo application) visible on the right of your primary screen at all times.
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coconutID 3.3 - by
"coconutID 3.4
Ever wondered where your Mac or iPhone was manufactured? coconutID can give you this information.
coconutID can also calculate when your Mac or iPhone was manufactured.
You can get all these information from any Apple produced piece of hardware using its serial number."
#free #tidbits #fun #mac_apps #%homebrew_casks
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Apple ID Balance for Apple Care+ for iPad Pro 12.9–Yes or No?
Found out people saying you can convert 2 year to monthly at the end of 2 years. Possibly helpful for laptop in the fall, not the one in 2022-04 which is only for 6 months max. — Both types of Apple Care can be paid for via account balance (aka Apple GCs). This is good for now too! Someone said if you set up the monthly Apple Care in store, it allows you to choose deducting it via your “iTunes balance”
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How to check for the presence of a hidden window? - Questions & Suggestions - Keyboard Maestro Discourse
helpful AppleScript basics relating to window recognization
#automation #tidbits #mac_apps #applescripts #pub
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Re: Welcome! - The Spotify Community
Enable Spotify web player (through Facebook)
#spotify #web_apps #tidbits #pub
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Song Meanings at Songfacts
Now I Know
"Want to learn all sorts of interesting things? Now I Know is a free daily newsletter; you'll learn something new every day. by Dan Lewis"
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Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on
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Idiomatic object creation in ruby - Stack Overflow
#Ruby #references #tidbits #good_to_know #boilerplates #pub
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ruby - How to loop throgh all links in div and collect values from opened fields - Stack Overflow
#Watir #references #tidbits #reminders #advanced_basics #Ruby #code #pub
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ruby - How to set WATIR focus on new window - Stack Overflow
#Watir #tidbits #good_to_know #references #pub
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ruby - Is there a way to use watir to open a link in a new tab or window in firefox - Stack Overflow
#Watir #tidbits #good_to_know #pub
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A-Z of Unusual Words | The Project TwinsThe Project Twins
A bunch of unusual, difficult vocabulary words and their definitions
#geeky #words #vocabulary #tidbits #trivia #fun #lists #pub
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There is a new trend in email writing to send someone a request and then sign it with "Thanks in advance." or even worse "Thanks in advance!!!". I find this trend bordering on offensive. What do you imply when you use this phrase? Thanks or thank you is an expression of gratitude or acknowledgement of something…
#tidbits #pub
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Rails 3: How to Autoload and Autorequire your Custom Library Code
#$AFMA #dev #rails #tidbits #pub
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Rails 3 Autoload Modules/Classes – 3 Easy Fixes | Relentless Simplicity :: Bill Harding's Tech BlogRelentless Simplicity :: Bill Harding's Tech Blog
#$AFMA #dev #rails #tidbits #pub
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Rails autoloading — how it works, and when it doesn't
#$AFMA #dev #rails #tidbits #pub
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#$AFMA #dev #rails #tidbits #pub
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#$AFMA #dev #rails #tidbits #pub
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Auto-loading lib files in Rails 4 - Stack Overflow
#$AFMA #dev #rails #tidbits #pub
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