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#workflows #CCK_content_journey #CCD_videos

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Price: $50 -- "You Shouldn't Need to be a Programmer to Automate. With Shortcuts for the Mac, You Don't Have To Be. Apple continues to put the gas down on Shortcuts as the foundation of its automation strategy. With Shortcuts now on the Mac, and so many Mac developers adding Shortcuts support to their apps, Shortcuts is quickly becoming go-to solution for automation on your Mac. Best of all, anyone can do it. Shortcuts does not rely on scripting languages but instead a common-sense approach to Automation. Here are just a few possible things you can do with Shortcuts: Automate your Mac's setup with loading and resizing apps for your current task. Convert and edit images … automatically. Get more focused with automation added to Focus mode. Automatically send meeting confirmation emails. Build lists as needed and automatically. Get your Mac to read to you aloud. Let your Mac do project planning for you. These are just a few examples of what you can do with Shortcuts, and all of these examples (along with many others) are included among the many video lessons in this course. With Shortcuts, you can automate just about anything. In addition to teaching you all of the mechanics of Shortcuts, this course includes many walkthroughs of automation workflows you can use, download, or alter to automate your own Mac. There are 132+ lovingly crafted screencasts totaling over 8.5+ hours of content. Each tutorial includes a full transcript and closed captioning. Where appropriate, the tutorials also include downloadable Shortcuts that you can install and run alongside the video." #mac_apps #automation #wish_list #workflows #shortcuts #productivity_procrastination #gui_automation #mental_boner #paid
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Price: $100 -- "Same as $50 one except has an upcoming Shortcuts for Mac Webinar Series 4 parter four-week webinar" "You Shouldn't Need to be a Programmer to Automate. With Shortcuts for the Mac, You Don't Have To Be. Apple continues to put the gas down on Shortcuts as the foundation of its automation strategy. With Shortcuts now on the Mac, and so many Mac developers adding Shortcuts support to their apps, Shortcuts is quickly becoming the go-to solution for automation on your Mac. Best of all, anyone can do it. Shortcuts does not rely on scripting languages but instead a common-sense approach to Automation. Here are just a few possible things you can do with Shortcuts: Automate your Mac's setup with loading and resizing apps for your current task. Convert and edit images … automatically. Get more focused with automation added to Focus mode. Automatically send meeting confirmation emails. Build lists as needed and automatically. Get your Mac to read to you aloud. Let your Mac do project planning for you. These are just a few examples of what you can do with Shortcuts, and all of these examples (along with many others) are included among the many video lessons in this course. With Shortcuts, you can automate just about anything. In addition to teaching you all of the mechanics of Shortcuts, this course includes many walkthroughs of automation workflows you can use, download, or alter to automate your own Mac. There are 132+ lovingly crafted screencasts totaling over 8.5 hours of content. Each tutorial includes a full transcript and closed captioning. Where appropriate, the tutorials also include downloadable Shortcuts that you can install and run alongside the video. Additional Materials in the Enhanced Edition In addition to the above, with this enhanced edition, you'll get a webinar series with MacSparky going even deeper into Shortcuts on your Mac with guest speakers, additional shortcuts, questions and answers, and even more Shortcuts goodness. All webinar sessions will be recorded and added to this course only for enhanced edition customers." #mac_apps #automation #wish_list #productivity_procrastination #workflows #shortcuts #gui_automation #paid #mental_boner
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Price: $4 -- "OmSave is a small, yet very useful Safari extension for OmniFocus which adds a simple toolbar button allowing you to quickly save relevant page information into your OmniFocus 3, where you can review it later. ‍ OmSave will try to fetch the page metadata, like page description and main image, and store it in the note attached to the OmniFocus entry, alongside the link. You can fully customize the template that OmSave is going to use to create the entry, including setting default tags and project. ‍ If for some reason we can't fetch an image from the page or the page didn't have any, OmSave can store a screenshot of that page instead, for your reference." #mac_apps #omnifocus #workflows #task_management #best_of #safari_extensions #paid #app_stores #integrations
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#Alfred #workflows
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#Alfred #workflows
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#Alfred #workflows
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#Alfred #workflows
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#Alfred #workflows
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Universal Actions
"Alfred 4.5 brings a new Powerpack feature; Universal Actions. Take any text, URLs or files and perform actions on them from anywhere within Alfred or on your Mac using your Universal Action hotkey. -- Global Hotkey in macOS With the new Universal Actions, you can select text in your browser, a URL in an email or a file on your Desktop and pop up Alfred's Actions panel to choose what to do with your content. Start anywhere and jump into action. Set your hotkey in Alfred’s Preferences > Features > Universal Actions to get started." #best_of #geeky #automation #mac_apps #workflows #pub
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#Alfred #workflows #Asana #task_management #quick_productivity #pub
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Neat, since iOS has so many constraints. This app is like the automation web services or Android apps like IFTTT, Tasker, etc.

200+ actions. I'm sure it is far more limited than IFTTT, no less Tasker, but at least it is something.

Obviously requires iOS 8 (8.0 for now) #apps #automation #workflows #iOS #paid #@to_buy #ifttt_esque #productivity_fun #price:$3 #pub
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DTTG to 2Do
Example workflow for creating a task in the 2DO task app from DevonThink to Go. #examples #automation #productivity_fun #workflows #pub
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Drafts | Agile Tortoise
"Drafts is a different kind of note taking app. In Drafts, text comes first – open the app and get a new, blank draft. Get your text down quickly, then act on it with powerful actions." #!TO_TAG_bit #favs #apps #iOS #apple_ecosystem_focused #workflows #text #text_editors #actions #ifttt_esque #agile_tortoise #pub
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If you’ve poked around this blog at all, you know I dig System Services and TextExpander snippets more than is probably healthy. I have a new obsession, though, and it’s been taking up a lot of my #workflows #!TO_TAG_bit_more #mac #automation #!Tabs #productivity_fun #pub
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VipRiser | Onflapp's Blog
[[download VipRiser]] *the app doesn’t open ->don’t panic! ❖ An user-friendly way to produce PDFs VipRiser is extensible virtual PDF printer Its main purpose is to produce a PDF from any application that can print. An user can customise the entire process with Automator workflows, turning VipRiser into powerful publishing platform. Although the purpose is… #mac #!Tabs #workflows #!TO_TAG_bit_more #tools #hazel_esque #free #ifttt_esque #pub
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Page 1 of 2 - AlfredBookmarklet — Use a browser bookmarklet via Alfred - posted in Share your Workflows: Note: This currently works only with Safari and Chrome. I might make it work in other browsers later (pull requests are also welcome), but other browsers generally have poor (or no) applescript support (needed for this), or require some options to be set in the browser itself. Do you avoid browser bookmarklets? Do you loathe the idea of having precious pixeis wasted on every webpage, du... #Alfred #workflows #pub
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