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#@TODO #hasanabi #hasan-fan-club

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#web_dev #@TODO #career

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#productivity #lists #music #@TODO
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$600 for all 8 stuff. $250-ish for the 4 core stuff #best_of #pricey #find_k #dev #reactjs #react_hooks #advanced_react #@TODO #@@nickw #money_back_guarantee #price:$600 #price:$230 #toread #pub
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for doing xfinity deal #deals #@TODO #pub
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person says they are allowed 8 lines. currently we have 2 + 2 freebies. H might still incorrectly be on there. $700 profit if can get 8 lines and do 4. keep the lines for avg 10 months. $1025 profit if 10 lines and keep for 11 months #deals #@TODO #due:2022-02-22 #toread #pub
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Fill out the "Apply to Join the Startup Membership" form quickly and securely on Airtable. #startup_grind #applying #@TODO #applications #pub
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Import and update your Pinboard bookmarks to DEVONthink - Pinboard.scpt #@TODO #pub
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Using the carryover does not change my taxable income so I do not want to take it in a year where I do not need it. #@TODO #best_of #pub
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How to do that thing where you have the entire thread in one page or view? storm? #@TODO #pub
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Native Ad Buzz
Their pricing is way too cheap - $47 (tho this one is so simple and basically worthless, just there to make you get the main $97 one. The $797 one is for an agency, basically the same, but "agency" so 10 logins, feature of ad-watch update notifications, and feature of advertiser contact csv - not something i can offer at first, unless their stuff is pretty simple and just a whois crawl into a csv - will check) @TODO _Another site in the same-ish space of paid software for [affiliate] ad intelligence.

Grab all you can from these and look into them later._

_hm, ad_intelligence is a new tag. what was the tag I was using with that sort of wording before?_

_Just found this as a group related to the previous bookmark of the other closed FB group._

"Discover what's hot and launch winning Native Ad campaigns 1,195,341 Ads, 10 Major Networks, 12 Countries and 5 Device Types" #werk #alternatives #competition #competitors #niches #affiliate_marketing #ad_intelligence #$AFMA #SaaS #paid #trial #affiliate_world #affiliates #@to_research #@to_look_into #@to_grab #@TODO #home_page #$kippt_bookmark #pub
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thinkery blog
#%feedly #@TODO #pub
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Once Github private repos are back and one or two projects that can work with omniref are back too, then start the trial and assuming it is as solid as it seems, do the lowest plan (lowest Growing Teams) as only 1 or 2 private repos are needed. #@TODO #pub
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Raw rb
#@TODO #pub
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#@TODO #iOS #universal #quotes #notes #alternatives #mobile_apps #knowledge_bases #organization #productivity_procrastination #paid #price:$5 #pub
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#SaaS #SaaS_esque #affiliate_marketing #affiliate_networks #copy_middling #copycopy #data #data_analytics #data_mining #database_driven #filters #free* #ideas #search_engines #listings #@TODO #pub
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HackPrinceton Spring 2016
#hackathons #dev #princeton #new_jersey #local #@TODO #pub
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url redirect following #%stack_overflow #bookmarked_on_site #curl #cli #dev #$AFMA #$afma-v #@TODO #pub
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#sysadmin #$afma-v #$AFMA_umbrella #tips #references #@TODO #pub
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#dev #sysadmin #operations #tutorials #in-depth #learning #@TODO #@to_look_into #pub
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