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All the top results for most generic-ish queries just list Android apps, Google Play Store, links #Google #butthurt #monopolies #status_quo #abuse_of_power #pub
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gtd - Google Search
Original url of the archived one. As of Jan. 2014, all the links on first page result are for Android Apps on the official Google Play Store site #Google #butthurt #abuse_of_power #monopolies #status_quo #pub
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Keeping the flight search filter after removing many others. Little intelligence to having flights there for most searches aside from Google's own benefit of flight searches vs other more actually helpful filters like blogs or discussions #Google #butthurt #money #status_quo #not_evil #abuse_of_power #pub
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ut oh. dofollowed link on a guest blog post tied to a biz dev deal? somebody call Google #OhWait #OhWait #google #not_evil #monopolies #corruption #abuse_of_power #from #delicious #toread #pub
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1.) 2.) 3.) #google #not_evil #monopolies #corruption #abuse_of_power #from #delicious #toread #pub
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1.) 2.) 3.) #google #not_evil #monopolies #corruption #abuse_of_power #from #delicious #toread #pub
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