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"Andersen Consulting's change of name proved to be fortuitous as it avoided the taint when Arthur Andersen was effectively dissolved as a result of its role in the later Enron scandal." Technically correct but disingenuous as the name was arguably primarily tainted due to the media and government scape goating Arthur Anderson. And the company was "effectively dissolved" because the government abused their power ala Megaupload and Kim Dot Com. Courts later recognized this but it was too late. #disingenuous #benevolent #butthurt #unfair #little_known #status_quo #BS #fucked_up #goliaths_screw_smaller #pub
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"Ok, so the point here is that users need to be specific with their searches. Got it. Apologies for the frankness, but if I want to find blowjob images, I now have to search “blowjob porn.” There is now no way that I can edit my own personal settings to make a search for just “blowjob” yield all results, both NSFW and otherwise. Go ahead and try a search for “blowjob” on Google Images right now. Those aren’t really very relevant results, are they? Users should see the most relevant results for their searches, no matter what. And they should have the option to simply turn off the SafeSearch filter, which they all had just a couple of days ago." #Google #butthurt #benevolent_pattern #authority #pub
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the Data Liberation Front
"The Data Liberation Front is an engineering team at Google whose singular goal is to make it easier for users to move their data in and out of Google products. We do this because we believe that you should be able to export any data that you create in (or import into) a product." _No mention of all the tracked data they have of you, of course. This is mostly data not dealing with how Google actually makes their money. An excellent distraction to help keep many of the people who complain about Facebook et al. docile. #benevolent_pattern #disingenuous #Data #Google #butthurt #pub
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Have to see how they talk about taking out Facebook data. If it is in the same obsequious vein. #butthurt #disingenuous #Google #Data #pub
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Podcaster says UTM/extra url parameters for tracking are bad. This guy, Brett, says "I did it because adding that extra stuff to the URL lets me track, over time, my conversion rate for that link. Now, I know lots of cranky web nerds recoil in horror at the mere mention of phrases like “conversion rates”, but some of us are running real businesses and have learned not to throw the marketing baby out with the douchebag bathwater." #Hmm #discussion #affiliate_marketing #butthurt #status_quo #crusade #blog_posts #pub
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Makes no sense to choose what was chosen over the answer after it. The chosen answer was quickly done and is to the point, but is nothing compared to the answer after it. Even worse that the chosen answer has more overall upvotes compared to the better second answer. #butthurt #issues #pub
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Why isn't it possible to just right click and download. #Google #annoyances #butthurt #walled_garden #not_open #tiny_issue #chrome #excuses #pub
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#butthurt #circlejerk #Facebook #Srs #pub
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#from:Windows_Phone #blogs #Amazon #butthurt #status_quo #pub
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"Announcing Pocket for Mac I’ve got some exciting news to share: I’ve been working with Pocket to create their official Mac App, and today, it’s here. We took everything you love about Read Later and made it better, incorporating Pocket’s beautiful design and functionality. I hope you like it. - Michael, Developer of Read Later" _Apple could take note here. Don't just take all the stuff jailbreaking community do without any indication they were the original creators._ #ethics #businesses #good_guys #butthurt #pub
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Another company offering a free plan while growing. Then not only remove it from future members, but also current members. Lame. #lame #butthurt #status_quo #enablers #benevolent_google-esque #pub
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#Google #ethics #APIs #Latitude #location_based_services #status_quo #little_guy #corporations #butthurt #pub
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Shows how much BS all the "hype" on people (teens in this case) abandoning Facebook is #butthurt #BS #Facebook #propoganda #pub
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What article says is correct in not being nepotism, but that is deceptive. It is in the same vain as nepotism, but more so cronyism and favoritism. Not that those are necessarily bad things in the article's light. Just it is incorrect to act like choosing personal connections and networking is somehow not favoritism is not correct. #from:Windows_Phone #status_quo #disingenuous #deceptive #butthurt #blogs #posts #pub
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#from:Windows_Phone #Google #butthurt #deceptive #pub
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