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Richard Wolff: Why are we told a broken system that creates vast inequality is the only choice? Spain's amazing co-op is living proof otherwise

#leftism-fan-club #mondragon #anti-capitalism #cooperatives #means-of-production #leftism #leftists

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#anti-capitalism #fediverse #alternatives

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"In the book, Losurdo examines the inner contradictions of the highly influential history of liberalism and its political tradition. Key liberal thinkers who are discussed include John Locke, Alexis de Tocqueville and Edmund Burke.

Losurdo argues that the liberal tradition has often excused and even celebrated racism, slavery, exploitation and genocide. Among the atrocities that Losurdo finds liberalism condoned include the Great Famine of Ireland, chattel slavery in the United States, the Indian genocide in North America, the Opium Wars, British crimes in India and the implementation of Jim Crow laws in the American South."

#liberalism #anti-capitalism #books #politics #communism #recommended_by_far_leftists

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Posted in r/todayilearned by u/OmitsWordsByAccident • 12,239 points and 963 comments

#brain_broken #liberals #anti-capitalism #wrong #worst_of

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#marxists #leftism #anti-capitalism #philosophy #GOATed #marxism
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The global race for a Covid-19 vaccine appears to be in its final leg. The research was publicly funded. But Big Pharma stands to make enormous profits, at the expense of people the world over. #leftism #anti-capitalism
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