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Chocolatey Gallery
Like apt-get but for windows #windows #development #interesting #fun #cli #shell #unix #port #pub
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#linkbait #keyboard #shortcuts #learning #Software #development #steal #vim #sublime #emacs #textmate #xcode #cli #photoshop #pub
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"A Google Talk Robot with Eyes on Asana" _Can work with Malcolm, the XMPP/Google Talk bot by same developer_ #open_source #code #github #repo #ruby #asana #task_management #cli #bot #xmpp #google_talk #pub
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mitmproxy - home
mitmproxy is an SSL-capable man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy. It provides a console interface that allows traffic flows to be inspected and edited on the fly. mitmdump is the command-line version of mitmproxy, with the same functionality but without the frills. Think tcpdump for HTTP. #geeky #web_development #sysadmin #http #badass #cli #pub
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"Experience the fun of Ruby for Android Ruboto is a framework and tool chain to develop native Android apps, using the Ruby language we all know and love." #android #ruby #cli #native #mobile #software_development #pub
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Returns just the ip address. Can curl #simple #web_tools #curl #cli #pub
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Returns just the ip address. Can curl #simple #web_tools #curl #cli #pub
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Returns just the ip address. Can curl #simple #web_tools #curl #cli #pub
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"A simple litte script. Create and push to a new github repo from the command line." #github #cli #pub
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"If you use shell scripts to automate OS X applications, you may need to switch between applications. You could use AppleScript via osascript(1), but it may take several seconds for the script to compile and execute—or you could use appswitch, which works almost instantly. Need to launch an X11 application from Terminal but the X server isn't in front when you need it? Use appswitch to fix the problem. Or, if you'd like a version of the ps(1) utility which understands the concept of OS X applications, appswitch can help. Source is available at GitHub." #cli #productivity_procrastination #simple #Mac #homebrew #automation #pub
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It's a traditional open source unix cli tool! So, why does this site actually look, dare i say, sexy? "Blazing fast It's fast because it only searches the stuff it makes sense to search. Better search Searches entire trees by default while ignoring Subversion, Git and other VCS directories and other files that aren't your source code. Designed for code search Where grep is a general text search tool, ack is especially for the programmer searching source code. Common tasks take fewer keystrokes." #cli #grep #ack #perl #perl_5 #regex #*nix #alternatives #best_of #code #dev #homebrew_formulas #searching #utilities #pub
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"jrnl jrnl is a simple journal application for your command line. Journals are stored as human readable plain text files - you can put them into a Dropbox folder for instant syncing and you can be assured that your journal will still be readable in 2050, when all your fancy iPad journal applications will long be forgotten. jrnl also plays nice with the fabulous DayOne and can read and write directly from and to DayOne Journals." #Day_One #journaling #cli #open_source #plain_text #Writing #mindfulness #introspection #ideas #code #@to_do #python #pub
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"Backup and restore your gmail account at will." #bootstrap_layout #gmail #imap #open_source #free #desktop_apps #Mac #Windows #python #cli #backups #email #pub
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"terminal-notifier is a command-line tool to send Mac OS X User Notifications, which are available in Mac OS X 10.8. It is currently packaged as an application bundle, because NSUserNotification does not work from a ‘Foundation tool’. radar://11956694 The Notification Center always uses the application’s own icon, there’s currently no way to specify a custom icon for a notification. The only way to use this tool with your own icon is to include a build of terminal-notifier with your icon instead. This tool will be used by Kicker to show the status of commands which are executed due to filesystem changes. (v3.0.0) Download Prebuilt binaries, which are code-signed and ready to use, are available from the downloads section. Or if you want to use this from Ruby, you can install it through RubyGems: $ [sudo] gem install terminal-notifier" #gems #notifications #cli #ruby #Mac #pub
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#productivity #time_tracking #Ruby #open_source #code #cli #@to_look_into #beeminder #pub
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"DSL to make shell operations easier within a ruby program. Mainly intended for use via IRB. I would like to be able to use Pry, but Pry's builtin commands interfere with simple use of the DSL. Note: You can still use this with pry - just not from the default namespace. You'd need to include the DSL in a module, and then invoke the DSL methods on the module." " Usage irb> require 'rubygems' irb> require 'rubyshell' irb> do stuff! Supported commands: ls cd pushd popd mkdir rm rmdir rmdir_force touch cat" #Ruby #gems #irb #cli #pry #DSLs #pub
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Used to be called Tickets Rb or something? Now TaskMapper "Taskmapper is a Gem which eases communication with various project and ticket management systems by providing a consistent Ruby API. Taskmapper let's you "remap" a system into the consistent Taskmapper API, easily. For instance the description of an issue/ticket, might be named description in one system, and problem-description somewhere else. Via Taskmapper, this would always be called description. The Taskmapper remaps makes it easy for you to integrate different kinds of ticket systems, into your own system. You don't have to take care of all the different kinds of systems, and their different APIs. Taskmapper handles all this for you, so you can focus on making your application awesome." Supports Pivotal Tracker, Lighthouse App, Basecamp, Github, Unfuddle, Kanbanpad, Redmine, Trac, Bugzilla #Ruby #open_source #remapping #syncing #APIs #gems #cli #project_management #task_management #ticket_management #pub
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