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OSX Tips – Bash Shell Infinite Loop | DGKApps – Blog
jawerty/AlienFeed · GitHub
python CLI client for reedit. neat
#cli #clients #open_source #python #reddit #pub
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conemu-maximus5 - Windows Console Emulator, Far Manager plugins - Google Project Hosting
#Windows #cli #development #open_source #pub
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MinTTY Gives Cygwin a Native Windows Interface
#Windows #cli #cygwin #nix #pub
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Geek to Live: Introduction to Cygwin, part I
#Windows #beginners #cli #cygwin #development #introductions #nix #pub
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sivel/speedtest-cli: Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using
"Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using"
#homebrew #python #open_source #cli #pub
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jmaddi/liftapp-client #APIs #ruby #@to_try #development #fun #habits #cli #pub
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doing -
Homebrew Cask
"Homebrew Cask extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to OS X applications and large binaries alike."
#cli #mac #homebrew #add-ons #pub
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"chrome-cli is a command line utility for controlling Google Chrome on OS X. It is a native binary that uses the Scripting Bridge to communicate with Chrome."
#open_source #neat #geeky #cli #mac #pub
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"Command-line interface for Telegram. Uses readline interface."
Works on Linux, BSD, Mac
#cli #fun #messaging #*nix #pub
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"This Python script helps to add items to OS X's TCC.db sqlite database, which is useful in a distributed Apple-centric environment where a blanket TCC file would not work properly."
"Apple's OS X 10.8 "Mountain Lion" introduced a feature which notifies users whenever an application attempts to gain access to their contacts (address book) or their computer's "Accessibility" options (such as screen overlays). Whenever a user responds to one of these prompts, the computer stores the answer in an sqlite3 databased called "TCC.db". In a single-user environment, this is usually a perfectly suitable solution without problems.
However, this system causes issues in distributed environments where applications may be added or removed at any time and the database file would need to be updated. Constantly having to update this file for the template user would be tedious and could cause errors (what if you forgot to add one of the other applications?).
This script allows for applications to programmatically be added to the TCC database during our regular maintenance cycle. In our environment, it's integrated in such a way that adding an entry to the TCC.db database is no more difficult than adding a single line of text to our files, which is significantly simpler than rebuilding the entire database file and uploading it to our main image server."
#scripts #cli #useful #open_source #python #automation #mac #pub
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"A Python script to enable or disable the Location Services feature in Apple's Mac OS X, and then to add or remove applications to it manually. Tested on OS X 10.9."
"Location Services is (usually) entirely autonomous. It runs in the background via the low-key locationd process, waiting for an application to ask you for permission to report your physical location in the world to whatever service it is communicating with. This can be used by many things, such as when you access Google Maps in your favorite web browser (the browser requests permission), or if you pop open the Apple Maps dedicated application in OS X.
In the environment I help manage, though, we need a more hands-on method of interacting with this usually hidden system. If we wait for our users to try to access any of these services, we'll waste time running to their office just to enter an administrative password to grant them access - access that will just be removed the next time they update their computer through our system. Instead, we wanted a more proactive approach.
This Python script provides an easy method of directly interfacing with the Location Services preferences. Applications can easily be added, removed, enabled, or disabled, and the Location Services daemon can also be enabled or disabled globally in a single line!"
#scripts #cli #useful #open_source #python #automation #mac #pub
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Stash - Home
T by sferik
Lots of really cool features available like unfollow everyone who doesn't follow you, maintain a history of people unfollowing you, maintain searches on topics. All through nice CLI.
#development #examples #feature_rich #in-depth #ruby #twitter #unique_spin #tools #cli #pub
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Curlish — Curlish 1.20 documentation
"Ever had to speak to an OAuth 2.0 protected resource for debugging purposes? curl is a nice tool, but it totally lacks helpers for dealing with oauth. curlish comes for the rescue. It is able to remember access tokens for you and inject it into requests. Facebook comes preconfigured so you can start using it right away."
#python #open_source #curl #cli #oAuth #web_development #unique #cool #helpful #from #delicious #pub
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Better on older OS versions before Yosemite (OS X 10.10). Here is what he says for Yosemite: "Dave compiles fine on Yosemite and will happily (but very slowly) crack user passwords. Out of the box, OS X uses PBKDF2 to encrypt its user passwords which is very slow to crack for one machine. Turning on Windows (SMB) file sharing will disable this feature."
#security #Mac #passwords #cracking #password_cracking #open_source #cli #brute_force #from #delicious #pub
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terminal - How to replace Mac OS X utilities with GNU core utilities? - Ask Different
#cli #gnu #nix #mac #ruby #!TO_TAG #dev #pub
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Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
#cli #postgresql #helpful #databases #sql #!TO_TAG #dev #open_source #pub
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#web_scraping #data_extraction #data_mining #$kippt_bookmark #SaaS #alternatives #comrades #cli #python #open_source #$AFMA_umbrella #crawling #scraping #pub
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Perform Mouse Clicks and Other Stuff
A command line tool for doing stuff with your mouse
#keyboard_centric #keyboard_shortcuts #open_source #mac #cli #!TO_TAG #pub
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CLI for MySQL/MariaDB by Amjith Ramanujam — Kickstarter
Not sure between this and the fork
#!TO_TAG_bit_more #dev #cli #shell #toread #pub
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