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"A Ruby library to help write robots.txt compliant web robots" Lulz. Do the opposite. Make a ruby liby to help write web robots that go out of their way to not be compliant with robots.txt. #lulz #idea #pub
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Traffic Apps Galore
The last thirty days have been exciting exciting times for my burgeoning traffic app empire. In July I ported Tennessee Traffic Advisor to Georgia and Alabama. Yesterday saw further expansion into the great states of Michigan and Utah. What a great idea - basically professional/app/mobile market spamming and jamming #spambutnotspam #idea #steal #work #spammy #blog #post #mobile #apps #iOS #@lazar #toread #pub
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Built With Bootstrap
Could do this either as a whitehat method that requires moderate difficulty in terms of a bit of money to advertise and contact people along with getting permission to showcase sites/find sites legitimately versus easy method of straight up copypasta'ing it all and then adding more sites by cheaply outsourcing work. Heh. #site #idea #business #twitter #bootstrap #web #design #steal #moderate #or #easy #copypasta #pub
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These guys I think are funded by YCombinator and pivoted from a failed attempt to try to offer a campfire/jaconda/hip chat alternative that uses irc as the backend. It is damn pricey though when you know it's irc backed. #irc #hosted #interesting #business #idea #funded #startup #pivot #SaaS #pub
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#funny #geeky #linkbait #easy #steal #idea #web2.0 #SEO #website #tech #circlejerk #pub
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They have an introduction paragraph (copied I assume) and then just link to a relevant youtube video that isn't even theirs. Yes, ultimately you'd want to link to your own videos, even to your own mini tube site alongside a Youtube link for both benefits, but at first you can just do what this site does and use someone else's video. #embed #youtube #video #steal #blackhat #masquerading #whitehat #idea #pub
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Web Seo Consulting Packages
Best thing is to offer rip-off of easy to automate stuff and fluff SEO tips as a SaaS service or consultancy and then take everyone's ideas. Best SaaS would def. be keyword rankings service ala that one company. #whitehat #masquerading #blackhat #SaaS #SEO #rip-off #steal #idea #pub
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#footprint #article #content #spinning #unique #blackhat #spam #SEO #steal #idea #inspiration #stepping #stone #pub
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#steal #idea #automation #api #linkbait #web #2.0 #Social #media #network #twitter #pub
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"Reddit Notifier is an OS X menubar app…Get instant alerts when you receive orangered replies on Reddit…for replies, private messages, and mod mail….Optional audio alerts let you know mail has arrived" #idea #simple #desktop #app #mac #web #2.0 #Social #media #pub
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#steal #idea #whitehat #Social #user #content #generation #web #2.0 #pub
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This site is built like a web 2.0 curation/lists site for music, but it isn't even correct. And well, it's sort of empty. #steal #idea #database #driven #pub
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Click checkboxes for [free] Windows or Linux software you want installed and then get a convenient bundled package to install with. The package/installer itself doesn't contain all the installers for all the software - it just has the metadata you requested. Once you load up Ninite's customized installer, it'll download the software from their respective sites [i think]. #Software #installer #convenient #idea #pub
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