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my (moi) iPad Pro 2 12.9 Cellular -- 12.4.1 to 13.1.2. Not 13.0 though! blobsaver has it locally though #free #iOS #jailbreak #shsh_blobs #tools #moi #pub
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Urban Dictionary: Saddy Daddy
Karmen says i’m saddy daddy :D #@@Karmen #funny #moi #pub
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How is this about a "nice guy". How is this about them wanting to treat you a certain way. How is this about them doing that and you giving them a chance? This comment has 16K points. The only possible "nice" thing was the person talking online for a few weeks and the guy not sexualizing or fetishizing her. That's it... Otherwise their entire date had nothing to do with the topic at hand. The tantrum he had was when she ended things after 1 date lol... wtf!?!?!? #circle_jerking #moi #moi_reminders_people_stupes_lol #pub
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the comment section is so ridiculously dumb. some people are talking about how bad FB and social media and a time suck while on Google’s YouTube. Others are talking about the video of Elon saying he will release something soon....the video is a year old. youtube promoted it to you now with their algos. lol #GOAT #reminders #moi #pub
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in Who is eligible for vaccination in New Jersey? Who is included in the vaccination phases?. #personal_life #practical #new_jersey #moi #vaccines #covid19 #pub
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register for a vaccine on the NJ Vaccine Scheduling System #personal_life #practical #new_jersey #moi #vaccines #covid19 #pub
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in Where, how, and when can I get vaccinated?. #personal_life #practical #new_jersey #moi #vaccines #covid19 #pub
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in Is there any help available if I have a problem registering for the vaccine with the NJ Vaccine Scheduling System?. #personal_life #practical #new_jersey #moi #vaccines #covid19 #pub
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