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$600 for all 8 stuff. $250-ish for the 4 core stuff #best_of #pricey #find_k #dev #reactjs #react_hooks #advanced_react #@TODO #@@nickw #money_back_guarantee #price:$600 #price:$230 #toread #pub
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The Power of a Focused Life by Shawn Blanc — Living without regret in the age of distraction.

again, keep forgetting the tag for look_up_to/inspired_by, etc

_Another Shawn Blanc thing_

_$250 normally. $125 if emailed to desk@ with subject _Student Discount on The Focus Course_. Regardless pricey of course, lol.And 30 day refund_guarantee money_back_guarantee_

Apparently it is just a course that is done via username/password. Not sure how it'll work out downloading everything or if it even works like that. Vs logging in and working that way. #role_models #inspired_by #courses #maybe #paid #money_back_guarantee #toread #pub
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30-day, hassle-free money back guarantee For aspiring senior developers looking for battle-tested best practices, a killer community, and mentorship from the right people. #screencasts #$kippt_bookmark #ruby #dev #rails #freemium #price:$30 #monthly #communities #tutorials #money_back_guarantee #videos #*nix #iOS #version_control #vim #tmux #javascript #testing #test_driven_development #pub
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