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Self-Care Bullet Journal with Goals Mood Diary & Happiness Tracker #depression #mood_tracking #mood #journaling #quantified_self #logging #iOS_apps #freemium #tracking #nomie_esque
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Reporter for iPhone
#journaling #quantified_self #iOS_apps #paid #tracking #logging #mood_tracking #mood #observing #mindfulness #nomie_esque #best_of
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Not sure why this wasn't included in the first mood tracking list. It should be better for how long it's been around. It hasn't really changed feature-wise in 3-4 years now. #data #moods #happiness #iOS #android #web_apps #logging #tracking #quantified_self #SaaS #mobile_apps #diary #mental_health #depression #behavioral_therapy #mood #mood_trackers #apps #$kippt_bookmark_lists #freemium #best_of #pub
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Only iOS. Weak! #mental_health #depression #behavioral_therapy #mood #mood_trackers #logging #dead #apps #$kippt_bookmark_lists #iOS #pub
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Maybe! Since it has evolved unlike most mood trackers. It has a web app after initially being mobile apps only. #mental_health #depression #behavioral_therapy #mood #mood_trackers #logging #apps #$kippt_bookmark_lists #iOS #android #web_apps #$check_more #pub
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iOS only. Last updated: 2014. #mental_health #depression #behavioral_therapy #mood #mood_trackers #logging #dead #apps #$kippt_bookmark_lists #iOS #pub
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Android only. Last updated: 2016-05 #mental_health #depression #behavioral_therapy #mood #mood_trackers #logging #dead #apps #$kippt_bookmark_lists #android #pub
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iOS only. SUPER DEAD. Last updated: 2014. #mental_health #depression #behavioral_therapy #mood #mood_trackers #logging #dead #apps #$kippt_bookmark_lists #iOS #pub
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Dead. Mobile only. Last updated: 2015. #mental_health #depression #behavioral_therapy #mood #mood_trackers #logging #dead #apps #$kippt_bookmark_lists #iOS #android #pub
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Maybe iOS. Maybe Android only. SUPER DEAD. Last updated: 2014. #mental_health #depression #behavioral_therapy #mood #mood_trackers #logging #dead #apps #$kippt_bookmark_lists #android #iOS #pub
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Only iOS. Ridiculous $10 price for an app that is going to go nowhere. #mental_health #depression #behavioral_therapy #mood #mood_trackers #logging #apps #$kippt_bookmark_lists #iOS #pub
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Not sure about this. They have the domain. But they haven't been talked about yet. Guessing this isn't a very good app. Benefits from money behind it. #mental_health #depression #behavioral_therapy #mood #mood_trackers #logging #web_apps #apps #$kippt_bookmark_lists #not_sure #freemium #pub
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Maybe. Not sure if it's worth it. $6/mo for premium. Doesn't seem to have much. Acts like it has a lot though. Need to know if can export. MoodPanda really hurts with the character limit. #mental_health #depression #behavioral_therapy #mood #mood_trackers #logging #apps #$kippt_bookmark_lists #freemium #mobile_apps #web_apps #pub
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Might be worth it. It merges Day One (which you can import from) with mood tracking and a few basic tracking things. Mainly it'll help perhaps if I can log mood from here and then use it as a journal/diary too. -- so they are charging now? I don't understand what they are doing. Is this dead, just on maintenance, actively developed? I will have to email them. No K around for Mac version that's $40 right now. iOS version is $10 so I need to know before I pluck down for iOS version. #mental_health #depression #behavioral_therapy #mood #mood_trackers #logging #apps #$kippt_bookmark_lists #apple_ecosystem_focused #iOS #mac #freemium #apple_watch #pub
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