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#conservatives #right_wingers #brain_broken #racism #@@SK

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Sad...ruined leftism in Chile. #right_wingers #corruption #fascists
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Suharto - Wikipedia
"Plans to award the status of National Hero to Suharto are being considered by the Indonesian government and have been debated vigorously in Indonesia.[14] According to Transparency International, Suharto was one of the most corrupt leaders in modern history, having embezzled an alleged US$ 15–35 billion during his rule." #right_wingers #evil #fascists
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Interesting. Profiles like this are silly right wing conspiracy leaning, behave like other right wingers. Post lots of politics. However they have no idea what basic concepts like socialism are. I’m not talking about know the exact meaning or various nuances. But to at least know mandating kids go to summer camp has nothing to do with socialism. They have zero overlap. Capitalism likely has greater overlap in the example given. #politics #understanding #ignorance #right_wingers #uniformed #status_quo #pub
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