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"S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online using storage services like Google Storage, Amazon S3 or OpenStack. S3QL effectively provides a hard disk of dynamic, infinite capacity that can be accessed from any computer with internet access running Linux, FreeBSD or OS-X. S3QL is a standard conforming, full featured UNIX file system that is conceptually indistinguishable from any local file system. Furthermore, S3QL has additional features like compression, encryption, data de-duplication, immutable trees and snapshotting which make it especially suitable for online backup and archival." #S3 #cloud #database #backend #unix #filesystem #pub
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"s3fs is a FUSE filesystem that allows you to mount an Amazon S3 bucket as a local filesystem. It stores files natively and transparently in S3 (i.e., you can use other programs to access the same files). Maximum file size=64GB (limited by s3fs, not Amazon). s3fs is stable and is being used in number of production environments, e.g., rsync backup to s3. Important Note: Your kernel must support FUSE, kernels earlier than 2.6.18-164 may not have FUSE support (see issue #140 ). Virtual Private Servers (VPS) may not have FUSE support compiled into their kernels." #amazon #S3 #fuse #filesystem #cloud #backend #pub
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#rubyonrails #rails #cms #open_source #heroku #S3 #pub
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The OpenPhoto Project
"A photo application that lets you store your photos on Dropbox, Amazon S3 or in your garage" _Hoping for this to be competitive with Flickr, Smugmug, and Picasa/Google Plus Images._ #open_source #photos #images #S3 #API #self-hosting #startups #free #burgeoning #pub
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"FakeS3 is a lightweight server that responds to the same calls Amazon S3 responds to. It is extremely useful for testing of S3 in a sandbox environment without actually making calls to Amazon, which not only require network, but also cost you precious dollars." #ruby #gems #requests #fake #testing #Sandbox #pub

"FakeS3 is a lightweight server that responds to the same calls Amazon S3 responds to. It is extremely useful for testing of S3 in a sandbox environment without actually making calls to Amazon, which not only require network, but also cost you precious dollars." #amazon #S3 #ruby #gem #web #development #testing #pub
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"Reliable long-term cloud storage. Open source backend. $0.06/GB. Built by SpiderOak on the same proven backend storage network which powers hundreds of thousands of backupsFocus on high throughput and reliability, while sacrificing low latency for cost effectivenessREST API similar to Amazon S3 100% open source server software and client libraries. Open spec hardware." #cloud #storage #file_storage #S3 #alternatives #pub
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#trial #freemium #S3 #analytics #ideas #charts #reports #HNer #cloudfront #pub
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#continuous_deployment #dev #freemium #SaaS #static_sites #static_site_generators #github_pages #S3 #cheap #pub
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ForkLift 3
#sftp #mac #apps #file_managing #file_transferring #files #ftp #S3 #object_storage_service #paid #K #trial #pub
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Transmit 5
#S3 #apps #file_managing #file_transferring #files #ftp #mac #object_storage_service #sftp #paid #K #pub
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