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"n a resurfaced clip from his BigBoyTV interview from 2018, Smith revealed that he enjoyed spending his childhood with more adults as he learned more from them. “I am very happy that I spent my childhood with more adults than I did with kids my own age,” Jaden said. “because I was picking up more things from adults than I were [sic] from kids my own age.” Smith said he wished young people of his age would enjoy talking about the political and economic state of the world. “I’m just, like, ‘Dude, like, oh my God,” Smith said. “Can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now? Can we talk about what’s going on in the environment? Can we talk about other things?” He would later confess that despite enjoying loud music and turning up from time to time, he is most concerned with finding the next thing. Somehow the video clip has recently resurfaced and Twitter users have seemingly made light of Smith’s grown-up approach to life." made light of his grown-up approach to life? He sounds like an incredibly immature person. Can't get more out of touch. Lives in a mansion. Has an upper class life. Stuff that hurts the enviornment. Unironic. #lol #so_bad #pub
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keeps trying to point out kids use capitalism cuz they live in a capitalist country. says the kids lack self awareness. lol. #so_stupid #so_bad #not_self_aware #conservatives_eh #toread #pub
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so bad. random tangents. irrelevant content. incorrect info. like bryant’s widow tweets. so bad. saying the iconic stadium name most famous time was 2008-2012 during bryant led championships. wrong second half of years there. and 2008-2010 finals appearances are nothing compared to 2000-2003 four appearances. first appearance under 9 months after it got named Staples Center. shaq and kobe lakers are super famous. 2 min of research and it being a three peat is so obvious #so_bad #coffeezilla_con #toread #pub
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this is such a bad video. it says if he plays to 42 and plays at a high level to age 40+, if all those work out, he could be the highest earning player. That is true for any one... #so_bad #bad_journalism #patterns_bad_media #toread #pub
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