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Remote terminal application that allows roaming, supports intermittent connectivity, and provides intelligent local echo and line editing of user keystrokes. Mosh is a replacement for SSH. It's more robust and responsive, especially over Wi-Fi, cellular, and long-distance links. #shell #cli #opensource #fun #interesting #ssh #terminal #internet #development #management #pub
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"textmate_remote provides a "mate" command that lets you, from a remote ssh session, open a file locally in TextMate" __Personal Note:__ you can do this in Textmate 1 versus rmate which is for Textmate 2 only) #textmate #server #development #sysadmin #unix #shell #ssh #pub
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"The original helper script provided with TM2 is implemented in ruby. Here is my attempt to replace this ruby script with a shell script, because in some cases a ruby installation might just be to much overhead for just editing remote files." #development #sysadmin #textmate #unix #server #shell #ssh #pub
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Hasn't been updated since 2008 or 2009, but not like Transmit is fast anyhow. Of course Expandrive is much better at this point as it doesn't depend on MacFUSE (unlike MacFusion), but a _free as in speech_ alternative for Mac OS X is never a bad thing :) #development #sysadmin #unix #server #ssh #ftp #mount #pub
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Like the more trendy or the free-ish tunneling code on Github and stuff, but this is a complete package sort of thing. In-depth and stuff. Anyhow, quoted description is, "The fast, reliable way to make localhost part of the Web. PageKite makes local websites or SSH servers publicly accessible in mere seconds, and works with any computer and any Internet connection. It's also 100% Open Source. Try it for free!" #ssh #localhost #tunnel #monthly #copy #whitehat #trial #dev #SaaS #web_servers #pub
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#beautiful #ssh #tunnel #web #development #localhost #hosting #aaS #freemium #monthly #pub
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"Justin Morehouse has written a great post on how to use an Amazon EC2 instance as your proxy server with Sidestep. It's safer than the option below, but it will cost you just a tad bit more (though $0.50 per month is a fair price for your Internet security)." #ssh #proxy #aws #ec2 #server #unix #blackhat #pub
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"Bastio is easy user management for servers. Grant and revoke SSH access across multiple machines with one click. Use to manage OS-level user accounts across all of your servers." #freemium #sleek #ssh #SaaS #pub
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"Localtunnel allows you to easily share a web service on your local development machine without messing with DNS and firewall settings. Localtunnel will assign you a unique publicly accessible url that will proxy all requests to your locally running web server." #tunnel #npm #open_source #nodejs #javascript #ssh #web_servers #free #dev #pub
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"Demo your latest code ngrok creates a tunnel from the public internet ( to a port on your local machine. You can give this URL to anyone to allow them to try out a web site you're developing without doing any deployment. Understand HTTP services ngrok captures all traffic through the tunnel. It displays information about the HTTP traffic for your inspection. Raw request/response bytes, parsed headers and form data, JSON/XML syntax checking and more are included. Replay Requests Developing services which consume webhooks can be challenging if the hooks are labor-intensive to generate. Use ngrok's replay request feature to iterate quickly on a new feature without switching contexts to generate new requests." #tunnel #npm #open_source #nodejs #javascript #ssh #web_servers #freemium #unique_features #dev #proxies #local_tunnel #ruby #SaaS #okay_preferred #pricey_ish #pub
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#sftp #ssh #affiliate_marketing #work #dev #mac_apps #GUIs #tips #lists #references #learning #pub
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#jailbreaking #ssh #hacking #tweaks #tutorials #references #iOS_10 #pub
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#jailbreaking #ssh #hacking #tweaks #tutorials #references #iOS_10 #pub
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#jailbreaking #ssh #hacking #tweaks #tutorials #references #iOS_10 #pub
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#workflows #Alfred #addons #ssh #pub
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#iOS_apps #paid #i_paid #ssh #cli #terminal #dev #freemium #pub
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Not sure if K. Never heard of before. Seems good. Pricey. #geeky #convenience #mac_apps #app_stores #paid #price:$20 #ssh #via:awesome_lists #pub
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I ran unc0ver without installing ssh. Instead I installed openssh from cydia. Change the passwords for root and mobile. The config file for sshd... #ssh #jailbreak #tidbits #cli #productivity_fun #sysadmin #pub
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