Public Notes
"Issue resolved. It was never a programmatic issue. The above DesiredCapabilites and service_args with "driver = webdriver.PhantomJS( desired_capabilities=dcap, service_args=service_args)" works. The problem was with the proxy provider setup. Once the default UA was removed from the proxy server it allowed the DesiredCapabilites to assign the UA."
#work #automation #phantomJS #proxies #user_testing #solutions #web_development #webdriver #pub
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"Vapir* is a fork of the popular Watir browser automation library for Ruby. It offers a great deal of bug fixes and new functionality over Watir, particularly comparing Firefox versions."
#watir #webdriver #ruby #open_source #automation #user_testing #forks #pub
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"Vapir is a fork of the popular Watir browser automation library for Ruby. It offers a great deal of bug fixes and new functionality over Watir, particularly comparing Firefox versions."
#watir #webdriver #ruby #open_source #automation #user_testing #forks #pub
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Ruby gem to install PhantomJS on all current platforms (Mac, Windows, Linux). Except it only installs in a specific location - "$HOME/.phantomjs/VERSION/PLATFORM" and isn't able to automatically get the latest version, the current versions are hardcoded in the gem.
#phantomJS #gems #open_source #cross-platform #automation #user_testing #from #delicious #pub
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World News
Setting up heroku-like git push deployment | Jesse Ditson
Didn't I use this tutorial for Mobile Ad Scout? Can't remember now.
#git #automation #development #from #delicious #pub
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Tinder API Documentation
Tinder API Documentation - Gist is a simple way to share snippets of text and code with others.
#documentation #tinder #APIs #automation #dev #discussions #pub
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tinder_pyro - Ruby wrapper for the Tinder dating app's private API.
#tinder #automation #APIs #documentation #ruby #gems #dev #pub
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webDOMinator : Automate any Social Network
#automation #affiliate_marketing #grey_hat #tools #SEO #uBot_esque #!TO_TAG #pub
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Workflow | Powerful automation made simple.
Neat, since iOS has so many constraints. This app is like the automation web services or Android apps like IFTTT, Tasker, etc.
200+ actions. I'm sure it is far more limited than IFTTT, no less Tasker, but at least it is something.
Obviously requires iOS 8 (8.0 for now)
#apps #automation #workflows #iOS #paid #@to_buy #ifttt_esque #productivity_fun #price:$3 #pub
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DTTG to 2Do
Example workflow for creating a task in the 2DO task app from DevonThink to Go.
#examples #automation #productivity_fun #workflows #pub
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MacScripter / Mouse Position on the screen with a trick
Doing some mouse actions with keyboard. I mainly want to right click sometimes, for now.
#keyboard_centric #utilities #productivity #automation #mac #pub
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shell - Is it Possible to use AppleScript to access right click context? - Stack Overflow
Doing some mouse actions with keyboard. I mainly want to right click sometimes, for
#utilities #keyboard_centric #productivity #automation #mac #pub
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Rogue Labs
"Automated Software at it's finest"
#forums #make_money_from_home_shit #work #bots #ideas #downloads #discussions #simple_bots #copy_as_references #apps #automation #pub
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YABRB - Android Apps on Google Play
YABRB is a bing rewards search bot that is designed to to perform rapid searches to meet daily rewards goals.(2015/07/01)**- Fixed the startup bug- Reinstall the app i...
#bing_rewards #mobile_apps #automation #bots #bing #android #ideas #pub
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"Subreddit for YABRB (Yet Another Bing Rewards Bot) for android."
#subreddits #bots #support #ideas_as_references #automation #bing #bing_rewards #communities #android #beer_money #pub
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Bingger - Bing Rewards Bot | Rogue Labs
Fake is a new browser for Mac OS X that makes web automation simple. Fake allows you to drag discreet browser Actions into a graphical Workflow that can be run again and again without human interaction. And Fake Workflows can be saved, reopened, and shared.
#mac #apps #paid #trial #K #automation #GUIs #pub
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OperaDriver - selenium - Information about the Opera WebDriver implementation - Browser automation framework - Google Project Hosting
#work #!TO_TAG_bit_more #dev #automation #pub
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Pricing - Zapier
14 day trial
Zapier makes it easy to automate tasks between web apps.
#pricing #pricey #SaaS #automation #trial #freemium #pub
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What are some alternatives to zapier? - Quora
IFTTT puts the internet to work for you. Create simple connections between the products you use every day.
Prob a dupe bookmark
#*dupes #life-hacks #automation #startups #copy_hm #limited #ifttt #SaaS #free #ideas #home_automation #pub
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The keys that bind: KeyBinding Madness part 2 -
If you’ve poked around this blog at all, you know I dig System Services and TextExpander snippets more than is probably healthy. I have a new obsession, though, and it’s been taking up a lot of my
#workflows #!TO_TAG_bit_more #mac #automation #!Tabs #productivity_fun #pub
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Gentle Bytes - Startupizer 2 - powerful login items handler
"Requires Mac OS X 10.8 or later. Trial is not time limited, but will use long delays and occasional nag.
Startupizer 2 is advanced yet simple to use login items handler. It greatly enhances built in OS X login items functionality by offering conditional startup and dependencies management. This results in just the subset of applications and documents you need at a given time. Because it doesn't launch all the items you don't need, it also reduces time required for starting your computer!
Make sure dependent items are launched in proper order.
Ensure consistent order of menu bar icons.
Customize login items launch order.
Speed up your login process.
And more..."
#homepages #automation #price:$10 #mac #workflows #utilities #@iusethis #freemium #trial #paid #apps #pub
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