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Until very recently, Jim “Fergie” Chambers was an heir to Cox Enterprises and one of the largest family fortunes in America. With hundreds of millions of dollars on hand, a zeal for revolution, and an innate sense for confrontation, he’s becoming America’s go-to radical communist.

#best_of #longform #communists #communism #VIPs

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Liked on YouTube. | Title: When do we revolt?. | Description: #anticapitalism #socialism #communism #antipoverty #lpc #cpc #canada #politics #cdnpoli #ndp. | Published at: October 27, 2022 at 04:54PM.

#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed

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16 year old Israeli “troll” chatter is shitting on communists not really knowing about it prob

#hasanabi #clips #chatters #guest-stars #communism #communists

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Liked on YouTube. | Title: Capitalism is a Death Cult Tues March 12th 2024. | Description: A political commentary show about the decline of Capitalism, and the rise of revolutionary power. #toronto

#Ontario #ondp #gpc #lpc #cpc #ndp #canada #ripcapitalism #blm #onpoli #cdnpoli #communism #socialism #anticapitalism

My Music -




Twitter: @TheCanuckCommie. | Published at: March 12, 2024 at 09:20PM.

#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed

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#left_wing #politics #amyec3 #communism #@@SK

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Classicide - Wikipedia

This is so stupid lol. Cleansing the bourgouise isn't at all like ethnic cleansing lol.

The Cambodian genocide seems like it was just insane mostly, no? It wasn't like kulaks and richer people in Chyna

LOL brings up Black Book of Communism

#leftism #politics #communism #history

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"Jack Weatherford explains how the peoples of the Americas have been forgotten for their contributions to the modern world. He also explains how the Europeans learned how to deal with excess.

First, he deals with silver, and its relationship to early manufacturing and to capitalism in general, even going so far as to say that capitalism as we know it wouldn't exist without a large mountain that contained as much as 85% of all silver ever found in the Americas. From there, he moves on to the industrial revolution. Saying that without the contributions of Americans (both North and South), many of the things we take for granted would never have happened.

Secondly, he talks about food, in terms of the way the diet of Europeans changed with corn, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers; in terms of how the food is grown, produced, and preserved; and in terms of the culinary arts.

Thirdly, the author makes the case that the United States Constitution was directly influenced by the Iroquois Confederacy, and that many ideas of the Age of Enlightenment were simply observations of the Pre-Columbian peoples in operation in the "natural state".

Fourthly, pre-contact peoples mastered the art of medicine and human biology. They had figured out how to use many plants to make medicines, deal with injury, and for other uses, such as making rubber. Indigenous pharmacology was the most advanced in the world, with alkaloids such as quinine well known by Native South Americans ahead of Europeans or other nations. Mind-altering and addictive drugs were heavily regulated by the various societies, being used only for religious purposes.

Lastly, Indians were great city planners and road builders, with outstanding road networks such as the Qhapaq Ñan, but much of what was built by the Indians was destroyed by the Conquistadors. Finally, the author wonders what has been lost, and gives a brief overview of how the Europeans were so able to conquer the equally advanced civilizations they found on the American continents."

#communism #decolonialsim

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"Nah Destiny is the biggest dick on twitch."

#communism #hasanabi #funny

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#communism #Imperialism #labor_aristocracy #politics

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"In the book, Losurdo examines the inner contradictions of the highly influential history of liberalism and its political tradition. Key liberal thinkers who are discussed include John Locke, Alexis de Tocqueville and Edmund Burke.

Losurdo argues that the liberal tradition has often excused and even celebrated racism, slavery, exploitation and genocide. Among the atrocities that Losurdo finds liberalism condoned include the Great Famine of Ireland, chattel slavery in the United States, the Indian genocide in North America, the Opium Wars, British crimes in India and the implementation of Jim Crow laws in the American South."

#liberalism #anti-capitalism #books #politics #communism #recommended_by_far_leftists

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Hasan hate lol

#left_wing_hate #hasanabi #internet_culture #left_wing #communism #communists

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This is from 2023-10-12 stream. Around 3:50-ish mark. donmoppelone was doing such a tired trope while I was thinking of Hasan crying about Abu Akleh. It got me so upset :P

Surprised Amye read the rando mention chats like what I was doing (not talking to Amye or to everyone)

#chase_saddy #communism #liberals

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#far_leftism #lenin #theory #communism #reading #bolsheviks #USSR
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