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"Static Web Hosting for Developers Blazing fast CDN, simple CLI deployment, hassle-free test environments. And much more." #web_hosting #heroku_esque #esque #freemium #SaaS #development #static_site_generators #static_sites #pub
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#$AFMA #$AFMA_umbrella #SaaS #apps #services #paid #subsidiary_products #ibm #dev #PaaS #SaaS_esque #trial #databases #data #heroku_esque #$kippt_bookmark #!important #toread #pub
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#dev #SaaS #cli #devops #sysadmin #best_of #freemium #heroku_esque #cheap #pub
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Shipping web projects should be fast, easy, and low risk. Surge is static web publishing for Front-End Developers, right from the CLI. #heroku_esque #nodejs #reactjs #frontend_development #$project_2019_dev_jerb #deployment #best_of #$project_2018_js #javascript #pub
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Setting up a production and staging environment is something pretty much every web developer will need to do at some point. It helps avoid any nasty surprises you might encounter when migrating from… #heroku_esque_js #environments #heroku_esque #dev #environment_variables #devops #pub
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Can't tell how pricey or not this is. There doesn't appear to be bandwidth costs so at medium levels of usage, this appears to be better. Cron Jobs are $4/mo. Pretty interesting since that's an okay price to not have to manage a minor free server on another cloud service. -- Static sites are free -- Services (Node, Python, Ruby, and more) in Docker with background workers are $7, $15, $25, $50 for 512MB ram, CPU shared, 1 GB, 1 CPU, 2 GB, 1 CPU, 3 GB, 1.5 CPU -- Render Disks - adding an SSD disk to any service to store app data that needs to persist across deploys is $0.25/GB/month -- Databases are PostgreSQL, daily backups, $7, $20, $45 are 256 MB RAM, CPU shared, 1 GB SSD | 1 GB RAM, 1 CPU, 16 GB SSD | 2 GB RAM, 1 CPU, 48 GB SSD #PaaS #best_of #cloud_hosting #heroku_esque #freemium #pub
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