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VidCon is an annual convention for influencers, fans, executives, and online brands. The event primarily features prominent video stars from across the internet. It was founded by veteran YouTube creators John and Hank Green (Vlogbrothers), and was later acquired by Viacom (now Paramount) in 2018. Its offices remain in Missoula, Montana, sharing a building with Complexly. VidCon's international presence continues to expand with additional events planned in Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Mexico City, Australia, and São Paulo. In October 2020, VidCon Now relaunched as an ongoing, free digital offering.

#coventions #large-meetups #acquired #subsidiary_products #content-creators #influencers #irl #media #new-media #internet-media #internet_culture

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Online Financial Advisor
Acquired by Blackrock or Blackstone in 2015 #subsidiary_products #acquisitions #established_company #tier:3 #pub
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#$AFMA #$AFMA_umbrella #SaaS #apps #services #paid #subsidiary_products #ibm #dev #PaaS #SaaS_esque #trial #databases #data #heroku_esque #$kippt_bookmark #!important #toread #pub
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$25 one time initial credit because of Github student pack. Acquired by Pluralsight apparently #experts #subsidiary_sites #tutoring #revenue_model #dev #desktop_apps #ideas #help #!TO_TAG_bit_more #copy_later_ideas_maybe #mentoring #SaaS #student_pricing #@to_try #subsidiary_products #pub
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Priceonomics Tracker
"The Content Tracker needs read access to your Google Analytics account in order to collect pageview and referral traffic for your articles. After authorizing, you will need to select the correct Google Analytics view for the Content Tracker to use." lame! #freemium #SaaS #analytics #dashboards #APIs #data_driven #ideas #copy_hm #@to_research #subsidiary_products #$kippt #pub
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#!TO_TAG_bit #dev #SaaS #freemium #deployment #version_control #sexy_layouts #sleek #subsidiary_products #pub
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"get 25,000 credits for free"
"Prices start at $1.50 per thousand email credits" #email #email_marketing #transactional #services #transactional_services #SaaS #freemium #trial #subsidiary_products #pub
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#Internet_of_things #subsidiary_products #samsung #pub
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#dns #services #SaaS #subsidiary_products #subsidiaries #subsidiary_sites #acquisitions #cisco #pub
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Jesus Christ - another lost cause company. They have basically shut down everything they were bought for. Their current games are 2 Marvel and 1 Star Wars games...all their online games were shuttered in 2014-04. #!TO_TAG_bit #acquisitions #web_2.0 #mobile_games #social_networks #for_kids #subsidiary_products #disney #%wiki #social_gaming #pub
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#scanning #paperless #iOS #evernote #reviews #blog_posts #subsidiary_products #pub
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#scanning #paperless #iOS #android #mobile_apps #subsidiary_products #ocr #freemium #wishlist #tools #utilities #pub
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#from:DONote #from:phablet #subsidiary_products #startups #AI #voice_enabled #APIs #B2B #pub
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Discover - Free Credit Scorecard
Is this a real number?? says it's a free FICO score, not estimate. Of course this means my 660 isn't that good and can't get approved for much, if anything. #credit_scores #$kippt_bookmark #freemium #personal_finance #subsidiary_products #experian #fico #pub
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Says "VantageScore 3.0 credit score" NOT listed in #credit_scores #$kippt_bookmark #freemium #personal_finance #subsidiary_products #fako #transunion #pub
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Happy they got acquired. #startups #twitter #APIs #scraping #acquisitions #subsidiary_products #Hootsuite #pub
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