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Pretty simple concept for short url + a bit extra #simple #seriously? #ideas #short_urls #free #SaaS #affiliate_driven #affiliate_links #pub
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Free Django Free Python Hosting
#bootstrap_layout #simple #ideas #linkbait #seriously? #affiliate_driven #affiliate_links #pub
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"(1) Collect media from across the web (2) Publish on Storify, embed anywhere (3) Share and notify sources, go viral" #interesting #web_2.0 #aggregation #freemium #APIs #simple #ideas #startups #SaaS #linkbait #pub
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" is your trusted login portal for providing the most logins on the Internet. It searches in just seconds for the login page you are looking for! Don't waste time searching for logins on other websites. Our service provides the largest database of logins online - all in one easy location! So far our team has hand-verified over 10,129 websites from which we have added 7,475 Login Pages to our database, as not every website has Login access." #MFA #spammy #spammy_looking #networks #sites #ideas #copy #web_2.0 #copycopy #pub
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#linkbait #ideas #copy #APIs #simple #bootstrap_layout #bootstrap_esque #social_media #pub
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#ideas #copy #APIs #linkbait #simple #pub
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"In the following tests, we have measured the performance of several web application platforms, full-stack frameworks, and micro-frameworks (collectively, "frameworks"" #benchmarks #comparisons #frameworks #web_development #data #linkbait #ideas #copy #open_source #graphs #pub
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#project_management #SaaS #trial #bootstrapped #ideas #consulting #pub
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"jrnl jrnl is a simple journal application for your command line. Journals are stored as human readable plain text files - you can put them into a Dropbox folder for instant syncing and you can be assured that your journal will still be readable in 2050, when all your fancy iPad journal applications will long be forgotten. jrnl also plays nice with the fabulous DayOne and can read and write directly from and to DayOne Journals." #Day_One #journaling #cli #open_source #plain_text #Writing #mindfulness #introspection #ideas #code #@to_do #python #pub
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#SaaS #ideas #copy #health #trial #monthly #web_2.0 #interesting #pub
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#references #from:Windows_Phone #news #being_up_to_date #copycopy #dev #newsletters #ideas #aggregation #rails #info #simple #ruby #pub
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"Anyclip is a web service that allows you to find, view and share clips from films. Is this legal? Yes. We have contracts with the studios providing us with the rights for the clips we show on the site." _They have the lines of the movies clip on video clip pages as well. Nice touch_ #ideas #sites #videos #movies #pub
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"Organize your classes, share with students and connect with teachers. It's free!" #SaaS #free #startups #education #ideas #web_2.0 #pub
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"All email for your app in one place - Send segmented newsletters without bugging developers - Change transactional emails without re-deploying your app - Create lifecycle emails to activate more customers" #SaaS #freemium #email #ideas #aggregator #@to_do #pub
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My​Shoebox - unlimited free photo backup you can access from your computer or phone. Available for Mac, Windows, iPhone and Android. _Only does JPEG and PNG. 20MB image file size limit_ ### Price - Free Plan: "Currently the free resolution is 1024 pixels on the longest side" "Includes 30 day trial of Pro" - Pro Plan: $5/month: The 20MB limit. #photos #backups #storage #SaaS #aaS #startups #desktop_apps #mobile_apps #web_apps #freemium #simple #ideas #images #sexy_layouts #web_2.0 #trial #monthly #pub
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"Handpick Curate and inform considerately. Save the right stuff for the right people and send them as a daily or weekly email digest." $3/month lol #email #social_media #social_networks #alternatives #groups #friends #simple #SaaS #trial #monthly #ideas #copy #browser_extensions #pub
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awhitebox › Code
"Projects on Github All of my open source projects and code contribution are hosted on github. To contribute a fix or feature to any of my projects, please feel free to fork/pull request. A list of my own projects is provided below." "Coderwall Achievement Badges Badges for your hacking merit. How awesome is that?!" "Completed Code School Courses Courses I’ve already finished." "Upcoming Code School Courses Courses I’m currently taking or starting soon." #examples #life_aggregation #life_tracking #lists #gamification #badges #showing_off #positive_showing_off #ideas #copy #geeky #fun #productivity_fun #pub
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#from:Windows_Phone #footprints #ideas #pub
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