Public Notes
Basecamp Tabber Userscript
A small userscript for Greasemonkey and Chrome to display the todo lists in a more organized tabbed way in the basecamp todo list view. By default the categories are "Frontend", "Backend", "Gestaltung", "System", edit the script to use custom categories.
#basecamp #hack #tweak #management #opensource #github #userscript #javascript #pr0n #code #pub
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A simple Chrome usability extension that makes Basecamp a bit more usable.
#a #logging #project #management #basecamp #github #extension #tweak #hack #code #opensource #javascript #pr0n #userscript #pub
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Agile my Basecamp | Online | Deeson Group
Basecamp is missing the ability to assign an effort value to to-do items and then provide the sum total effort of all tasks in a list. If you are on an agile team, then knowing the relative size of a task and the sum total of a group of tasks helps when planning the work to be performed in an upcoming iteration (sprint) or the total effort remaining in a backlog of tasks. This userscript adds that functionality.
#agile #basecamp #development #pr0n #hack #tweak #extension #github #opensource #code #a #logging #project #javascript #userscript #pub
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dotjs — hack the web
dotjs is a Google Chrome extension that executes JavaScript files in ~/.js based on their filename
basically like greasemonkey, but easier/better to use
#development #interesting #github #code #javascript #userscript #browser #extension #chrome #web #pub
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Create - A new kind of web editing interface | Hacker News
70 comment thread with people pitching their own favorites and/or related code to in-line automagic content editing.
#czarrar #automagical #javascript #html5 #inline #content #editing #management #cms #pub
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Socket.IO aims to make realtime apps possible in every browser and mobile device, blurring the differences between the different transport mechanisms. It's care-free realtime 100% in JavaScript.
#javascript #websockets #realtime #web #2.0 #html5 #flash #framework #pub
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EpicEditor - An embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor
Web Toolbar - Get More Clicks with the Hello Bar Notification Bar
I don't get it? Shouldn't this be free? I know I usually want things to be charged versus going free most of the time, but this is like a basic javascript thing…?
#code #interesting #copy #whitehat #web #development #javascript #SaaS #pub
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Pricing -
"Best way to build native mobile apps using HTML5
- Access native features from JavaScript
- Simple dev process, no need to setup Eclipse / XCode
- Cloud build service, you can even build for iOS on Windows
- Update your HTML5 without re-submitting to the App Store
- Real native UI components, no need to fake it"
#SaaS #monthly #freemium #mobile #cross-platform #web #2.0 #javascript #html5 #native #Software #development #pub
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coffeescript to javascript
Asana Time Track by codelovers
"The Tool will only fetch tasks assigned to you. This is because otherwise you will get tons of tasks you do not need.
An important thing additionally is, that you have to archive your task from your "My Tasks" view.
Otherwise Asana will not recognize this tasks as archived and will fetch it instead.
Maybe this changes in the future, but right now there is a difference between archiving a task in the project view
and your personal task view."
#asana #api #add-on #javascript #php #pub
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"github-asana is a little web server written in node.js / express.js that integrates GitHub with Asana (the project management app). The server listens for GitHub Post-Receive Hooks, and sends commit messages as comments in Asana Tasks."
#asana #github #Hook #node #javascript #commit #integration #add-on #pub
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Welcome to jsFiddle’s documentation — jsFiddle 0.5a2 documentation
"JsFiddle is a playground for web developers, a tool which may be used in many ways. One can use it as an online editor for snippets build from HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The code can then be shared with others, embedded on a blog, etc. Using this approach, JavaScript developers can very easily isolate bugs. We aim to support all actively developed frameworks - it helps with testing compatibility."
#javascript #editor #web_development #testing #pub
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Create a new Fiddle - jsFiddle
"JsFiddle is a playground for web developers, a tool which may be used in many ways. One can use it as an online editor for snippets build from HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The code can then be shared with others, embedded on a blog, etc. Using this approach, JavaScript developers can very easily isolate bugs. We aim to support all actively developed frameworks - it helps with testing compatibility."
#javascript #editor #web_development #testing #pub
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CamanJS - Image Manipulation in Javascript
Pure Javascript (Ca)nvas (Man)ipulation
The main focus of CamanJS is manipulating images using the HTML5 canvas and Javascript. It's a combination of a simple-to-use interface with advanced and efficient image/canvas editing techniques. It is also completely library independent and can be safely used next to jQuery, YUI, Scriptaculous, MooTools, etc.
CamanJS is very easy to extend with new filters and plugins, and it comes with a wide array of image editing functionality, which is only growing as the community makes more plugins. It has a powerful layering system, much like the one present in Photoshop and GIMP, that makes the sky the limit for your creativity.
#javascript #photo_filters #images #open_source #free #pub
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"A completely web based MarkDown editor--with live preview!"
#development #web_development #markdown #code #ajax #javascript #text_editor #open_source #repo #pub
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Create.js - Make anything editable
Syte by rigoneri
"Syte is a really simple but powerful packaged personal site that has social integrations like Twitter, GitHub, Dribbble, Instagram, Foursquare, Tumblr,, SoundCloud and Bitbucket."
#life_stream #web_2.0 #python #django #javascript #open_source #repo #github #pub
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Seer SEO Toolbox
#open_source #SEO #tools #spreadsheet #javascript #toread #pub
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Node.js or Ruby for Scraping - Stack Overflow
"When you say that mechanize can't scrape dynamic content, you really mean that it's a little bit more work to figure out which ajax requests need to be made and make them. The other side of that is that once you do you generally get a nice json response that's easy to deal with. Mechanize is also much faster than a full browser solution so my opinion is that it's usually worth the extra work.
As far as Node goes, there's potential and maybe once it's been around for a while some great libraries will become available, but I haven't seen anything yet that would make up for the ruby things I wiss miss."
##dynamic_screen_scraping #project #mechanize #ruby #ajax #javascript #screen_scraping #pub
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Server side rendering for dynamic pages with PhantomJS on Ruby On Rails - Stack Overflow
Answers question of how to have a mostly dynamic site but still get content indexed by Google
#phantomjs #ruby #rails #Google #SEO #javascript #pub
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ruby on rails - Is it possible to run capybara-webkit (i.e. forked webkit_server) on Heroku Cedar? - Stack Overflow
"This project has a JavaScript, rather than Ruby API, although the browser instance can expose a web-server, allowing you to communicate with it from Ruby over HTTP."
##dynamic_screen_scraping #phantomjs #ruby #javascript #project #pub
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mattheworiordan/capybara-screenshot · GitHub
"Using this gem, whenever a Capybara test in Cucumber, Rspec or Minitest fails, the HTML for the failed page and a screenshot (when using capybara-webkit, Selenium or poltergeist) is saved into $APPLICATION_ROOT/tmp/capybara. This is a huge help when trying to diagnose a problem in your failing steps as you can view the source code and potentially how the page looked at the time of the failure." _Can also have it run manually on demand_
##dynamic_screen_scraping #screenshots #project #capybara #phantomjs #ruby #javascript #testing #@to_do #pub
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detro/ghostdriver · GitHub
"Ghost Driver is a pure JavaScript implementation of the WebDriver Wire Protocol for PhantomJS. It's a Remote WebDriver that uses PhantomJS as back-end.
GhostDriver is designed to be integral part of PhantomJS itself, but it's developed in isolation and progress is tracked by this Repository."
#phantomjs #automation #watir #selenium #driver #webkit #javascript #pub
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