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#debuggers #rails #Gem #ruby #pry #pub
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"Simple ruby client for Pushover" #ruby #API #libraries #push #Gem #pub
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"This gem provides a CLI and an API interface to" #ruby #API #libraries #push #Gem #pub
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"Bandit is a multi-armed bandit optimization framework for Rails. It provides an alternative to A/B testing in Rails. For background and a comparison with A/B testing, see the whybandit.rdoc document or the blog post bookmarked right before this" #ruby #rails #split_testing #pub
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"Library for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests in Ruby." _Oh man I could've really used this_ #ruby #fake #testing #requests #pub
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"FakeWeb is a helper for faking web requests in Ruby. It works at a global level, without modifying code or writing extensive stubs." #ruby #fake #testing #requests #pub
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"Faker, a port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc." #ruby #gems #Data #generation #pub
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"A Problem: It's harder than absolutely easy to make meaningful, simple, data for testing and development. A Solution: A fake data generator that provides not only a host of basics and a rememberable syntax, but a customizable library to boot. Welcome to Forgery, an excellent solution to a problem so hard you didn't know it was there." #ruby #gems #Data #generation #pub
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"Provides methods for generating random test data including names, mailing addresses, dates, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and text. Now, ruby 1.9 compatible. " #ruby #gems #Data #generation #pub
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"random_phrase generates a random phrase from phrase list. The code is heavily based off [randexp] but allows you to load your word list via custom loaders instead of only supporting your users dictionary." #ruby #gems #Data #generation #specialized #pub
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"FakeS3 is a lightweight server that responds to the same calls Amazon S3 responds to. It is extremely useful for testing of S3 in a sandbox environment without actually making calls to Amazon, which not only require network, but also cost you precious dollars." #ruby #gems #requests #fake #testing #Sandbox #pub

"FakeS3 is a lightweight server that responds to the same calls Amazon S3 responds to. It is extremely useful for testing of S3 in a sandbox environment without actually making calls to Amazon, which not only require network, but also cost you precious dollars." #amazon #S3 #ruby #gem #web #development #testing #pub
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"rsspusher is a service where you can subscribe to a feed. It will send the updates of the feed to a callback-URL you specify. Think superfeedr in amateurish and free. It is thought as helpful building-block for those developers building their own RSS Reader after Google Readers shutdown." #ruby #feeds #automation #pub
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"The question that everyone keeps asking is "ok, so how do I automatically record Watir scripts"" "It's very rough but it supports text boxes, buttons, links, select lists (kinda), radios and checkboxes. It doesn't support frames, iframes, the back button, divs, tables, etc yet. It's also very sloppy code..." #watir #ruby #automation #desktop #apps #pub
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"The question that everyone keeps asking is "ok, so how do I automatically record Watir scripts"" "It's very rough but it supports text boxes, buttons, links, select lists (kinda), radios and checkboxes. It doesn't support frames, iframes, the back button, divs, tables, etc yet. It's also very sloppy code..." #watir #ruby #automation #desktop #apps #pub
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"The question that everyone keeps asking is "ok, so how do I automatically record Watir scripts"" "It's very rough but it supports text boxes, buttons, links, select lists (kinda), radios and checkboxes. It doesn't support frames, iframes, the back button, divs, tables, etc yet. It's also very sloppy code..." #watir #ruby #automation #desktop #apps #pub
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How do you apply the CSS element to image after checking the checkbox? If you add the class attribute for highlighting, I guess checking class attribute is the simplest way. for example browser.image.class_name =~ /foobar/ If using style attribute, I think you might need to check HTML itself, like browser.image.html =~ /style=\"?foobar\"?/ #tips #ruby #watir #programming #pub
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#funny #ruby #gems #development #Joke #pub
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"HTTPI provides a common interface for Ruby’s most popular HTTP clients: - HTTPClient - Curb - Net::HTTP As of version 2, HTTPI supports EventMachine: - EM-HTTP-Request (also requires EM-Synchrony)" #ruby #gems #http #libraries #web_development #wrappers #pub
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