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"With this in mind, having once developed a Rails app in SQLite (and having found out rather quickly that I had been left out in the cold by developers of these respective search search solutions), I decided to assemble a custom search solution to delve through the title, summary and body fields of my articles. This is what it looks like:" #ruby #rails #reference #insightful #code #example #guide #search_engine #MVC #model #pub
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"Experience the fun of Ruby for Android Ruboto is a framework and tool chain to develop native Android apps, using the Ruby language we all know and love." #android #ruby #cli #native #mobile #software_development #pub
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"Rubinius is software that translates the code for the Ruby programming language such as puts "hello world" and turns it into efficient machine code like this push %rbp; mov %rsp, %rbp; push %rbx; subq $0x98, %rsp; cmp $0x0, 0x10(%rcx); call 0xffffffffff472010; jmp 0x9c; … then executes it" #ruby #machine_language #code #pub
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"When you say that mechanize can't scrape dynamic content, you really mean that it's a little bit more work to figure out which ajax requests need to be made and make them. The other side of that is that once you do you generally get a nice json response that's easy to deal with. Mechanize is also much faster than a full browser solution so my opinion is that it's usually worth the extra work. As far as Node goes, there's potential and maybe once it's been around for a while some great libraries will become available, but I haven't seen anything yet that would make up for the ruby things I wiss miss." ##dynamic_screen_scraping #project #mechanize #ruby #ajax #javascript #screen_scraping #pub
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Answers question of how to have a mostly dynamic site but still get content indexed by Google #phantomjs #ruby #rails #Google #SEO #javascript #pub
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"This project has a JavaScript, rather than Ruby API, although the browser instance can expose a web-server, allowing you to communicate with it from Ruby over HTTP." ##dynamic_screen_scraping #phantomjs #ruby #javascript #project #pub
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"Poltergeist is a driver for Capybara. It allows you to run your Capybara tests on a headless WebKit browser, provided by PhantomJS." ##dynamic_screen_scraping #ruby #phantomjs #project #capybara #pub
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"Using this gem, whenever a Capybara test in Cucumber, Rspec or Minitest fails, the HTML for the failed page and a screenshot (when using capybara-webkit, Selenium or poltergeist) is saved into $APPLICATION_ROOT/tmp/capybara. This is a huge help when trying to diagnose a problem in your failing steps as you can view the source code and potentially how the page looked at the time of the failure." _Can also have it run manually on demand_ ##dynamic_screen_scraping #screenshots #project #capybara #phantomjs #ruby #javascript #testing #@to_do #pub
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"Poltergeist the Capybara driver for PhantomJS nearly has what you're asking but not quite. If you're willing to fill the gap yourself you can try and hack the render binding to pass the coordinates of the element you're interested in to the setClipRect() setter which dictates the area to be captured." _Answers talks about hacking Poltergeist's javascript code that exposes Phantomjs to add Casperjs features_ ##dynamic_screen_scraping #phantomjs #casperjs #ruby #capybara #hacks #pub
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FacebookBot - File: README
_Dead project from many years ago (depends on Hpricot)_ "Facebook Bot is allows for completely automated control of your Facebook profile. FacebookBot allows you to destroy or improve Facebook via: Posting Profile Pictures Tagging Pictures Changing your Status Posting Wall Comments Changing Personal Profile Information Sending and Reading Private Messages Joining Groups Adding Friends A system for generating random sentences (rather simply) And much more…" #spamjam #Facebook #bots #ruby #gems #open_source #code #pub
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"Rails 3 documentation is finally out for Mac OS X If you're not sure what this is about, please have a look at my previous posts on rather popular Ruby and Rails 2.3 dictionaries. Download your copy of Rails 3 Dictionary here. Currently it is generated from Rails 3.0.0 beta 3 version. I will post the updates once the new Rails 3 versions roll out." #rails #docs #ruby #pub
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"Anemone is a Ruby library that makes it quick and painless to write programs that spider a website. It provides a simple DSL for performing actions on every page of a site, skipping certain URLs, and calculating the shortest path to a given page on a site. The multi-threaded design makes Anemone fast. The API makes it simple. And the expressiveness of Ruby makes it powerful." #ruby #crawlers #mechanize #automation #pub
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"threadify.rb makes it stupid easy to process a bunch of data using 'n' worker threads" #ruby #threads #automation #badass #gems #pub
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"forkify.rb makes it easy to process a bunch of data using 'n' worker processes. It is based off of forkoff and threadify by Ara Howard. It aims to be safe to use on Ruby 1.8.6+ and Ruby 1.9.1+" #ruby #gems #threads #automation #badass #pub
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"June 24, 2009 I’m happy to announce the release of another tiny Ruby gem, Forkify. Forkify is basically Ara Howard’s Threadify (minus a few features), but instead of using threads, it uses fork to create multiple processes to perform the operations on an Enumerable type. It was born out of the desire to have the forkoff gem work on Ruby 1.9.1 (which it isn’t currently)." #ruby #gems #descriptions #introductions #threads #automation #badass #pub
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