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537: The Alibi
so sad. apparently the first episode in a spin off series. #desi #journalism #justice_system #life #podcasts #sad #from #delicious #pub
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first season is focused on the sad life of Adnan, a paki man who has been in prison for life since he was a teenager 15 years ago. Little to no evidence. very unique podcast. spin off from This American Life. They do the episodes and reporting and journalism each week. so it is all almost real time. #desi #in-depth #journalism #justice_system #life #podcasts #reporting #sad #unique_spin #from #delicious #pub
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Merlin Mann - "Scared Shitless: How I (Mostly) Learned to Love Being Afraid of Pretty Much Everything" Download MP4 Video of "Scared Shitless" This is the video of a talk I did last month at Webstock in Wellington, New Zealand. It's #best_of #motivational #articles #inspirational #sad #merlin_mann #toread #pub
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Cranking | 43 Folders
1. Nothing wrecks your living room decor quite like a giant, rented hospital bed. The one my Dad laid in for a couple months in the fall of 1974 was an alarmingly stiff and sturdy affair, the frame of which was forged of impossibly heavy iron, with half #life #sad #best_of #motivational #merlin_mann #inspirational #articles #toread #pub
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discussions about #*starred #knowledge_bases #sad #discussions #toread #pub
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thinkery meta
discussions about #sad #!TO_TAG_bit_more #pub
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Pain schools the ATL rapper on finer points of the vocal effect. #wrong #music #sad #pub
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