Public Notes
Selenium - Web Browser Automation
It's Selenium!
#selenium #automation #web #testing #masquerading #blackhat #whitehat #server #api #scraping #screen #data #pub
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#Watir #Selenium #IDEs #freemium #RSpec #testing #TestWise #automation #web_automation #recorders #pub
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[Wikitech-l] Running Selenium tests over the speed limit with PhantomJS
Watir webdriver using PhantomJS as the driver. Benchmarking it.
Biggest issue worry from the post is that he couldn't get PhantomJS as the driver to work with more than one instance
#phantomjs #_inbox #selenium #watir #driver #automation #pub
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detro/ghostdriver · GitHub
"Ghost Driver is a pure JavaScript implementation of the WebDriver Wire Protocol for PhantomJS. It's a Remote WebDriver that uses PhantomJS as back-end.
GhostDriver is designed to be integral part of PhantomJS itself, but it's developed in isolation and progress is tracked by this Repository."
#phantomjs #automation #watir #selenium #driver #webkit #javascript #pub
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Finally, GhostDriver 1.0.0 - blog. Ivan De Marino
Launch of GhostDriver and blog post explaining it
#phantomjs #selenium #webkit #javascript #watir #automation #webdriver #pub
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TestWise Recorder :: Add-ons for Firefox
"TestWise Recorder records your operations into executable test scripts while you navigates your web application in Firefox. Three test scripts syntax are supported: RWebSpec, Watir and Selenium-WebDriver."
#browser_extensions #Firefox #recorders #Watir #RWebSpec #Selenium #webdriver #pub
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"Nightwatch.js is an easy to use Node.js based End-to-End (E2E) testing solution for browser based apps and websites.
It uses the powerful Selenium WebDriver API to perform commands and assertions on DOM elements."
#automation #browser_based #javascript #nodejs #selenium #testing #pub
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admc/wd · GitHub
jlipps/yiewd · GitHub
Using Opera with Watir-Webdriver (for free) | WatirMelon
Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver) was released today, and with it came support for Opera. Since Watir-WebDriver uses the WebDriver bindings, it now supports Opera out of the box. How to get it working First make sure you have the latest watir-webdriver (>0.2.5) and selenium-webdriver (>2.0.0) gems installed. Install Opera if you haven't already Download the latest…
#watir #selenium #webdriver #tutorials #dev #opera #pub
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Cross Browser Testing Tool. 300+ Browsers, Mobile, Real IE.
#browser_automation #dev #selenium #web_automation #SaaS #trial #freemium #ideas #copy_future_maybe #$kippt_bookmark_lists #pub
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Browserling - Live interactive cross-browser testing
#from:DONote #from:Note3 #from:phablet #_add-focus #bulk_browser_tabs #_inbox #_dump #$dump #pub
Proper good freemium. Their pricing page says it's a lot more limited than it actually is. You aren't just limited to Windows Vista (prob a mistake now for Windows 7 or more) and IE11. Can do Windows 7 and Chrome at least. #SaaS #browser_automation #copy_future_maybe #dev #freemium #ideas #selenium #trial #web_automation #$kippt_bookmark_lists #best_of #pub
Proper good freemium. Their pricing page says it's a lot more limited than it actually is. You aren't just limited to Windows Vista (prob a mistake now for Windows 7 or more) and IE11. Can do Windows 7 and Chrome at least. #SaaS #browser_automation #copy_future_maybe #dev #freemium #ideas #selenium #trial #web_automation #$kippt_bookmark_lists #best_of #pub
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Watir-Webdriver: How to click on an element location? - Stack Overflow
#watir #selenium #$AFMA #dev #tidbits #ruby #pub
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ruby - Save page with css, js and images using watir - Stack Overflow
#watir #selenium #$AFMA #dev #tidbits #ruby #discussions #pub
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ruby - Get location/position of an element - Stack Overflow
#watir #selenium #$AFMA #dev #tidbits #ruby #bookmarked_on_site #%stack_overflow #pub
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Cross Browser Testing. Real mobile devices & browsers!
#ideas #SaaS #paid #trial #browser_automation #copy_future_maybe #dev #selenium #web_automation #$kippt_bookmark_lists #pub
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"WebdriverIO is an open source testing utility for nodejs. It makes it possible to write super easy selenium tests with Javascript in your favorite BDD or TDD test framework. Even Cucumber tests are supported. It basically sends requests to a Selenium server via the WebDriver Wire Protocol and handles its response. These requests are wrapped in useful commands, which provide callbacks to test several aspects of your site in an automated way."
#nodejs #javascript #selenium #web_automation #browser_automation #dev #pub
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#browser_automation #dev #selenium #web_automation #SaaS #trial #ideas #copy_future_maybe #$kippt_bookmark_lists #paid #pub
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#browser_automation #dev #selenium #web_automation #SaaS #trial #freemium #ideas #copy_future_maybe #indie_hackers #pub
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Xvfb Visible Display Number
Xvfb: "However display with number other than :0 is not visible by default. How do I make it visible to actually see what selenium is doing in the browser?"
Ah so display 0 is how you get it to be ...
#selenium #watir #webdriver #dev #x11 #pub
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Home - AutoIt
#automation #windows #selenium #watir #$AFMA #$AFMA_umbrella #backups #scripting #GUIs #pub
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Automated Website Testing and Monitoring - Ghost Inspector
Freemium too, but then jumps up in price quickly
#SaaS #$tag_from_related #ideas #copycopy #my_domain #automation #browser_automation #trial #B2SB #B2B #recorders #chrome_extensions #copy_future_maybe #dev #freemium #selenium #web_automation #$kippt_bookmark_lists #pricey_ish #pub
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Browsermob-proxy by lightbody
Collect and share the web
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