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"Count the number of classes in your project using bash: find myproj -name \*.rb | xargs grep '^\s*class' | wc -l In rush, this is: myproj['**/*.rb'].search(/^\s*class/).lines.size Pesky stray mongrels? In bash: kill `ps aux | grep mongrel_rails | grep -v grep | cut -c 10-20` In rush: processes.filter(:cmdline => /mongrel_rails/).kill" #ruby #gems #cli #shell #examples #dev #pub
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#twitter #best_of #APIs #hacking #scraping #rare #open_source #bookmarked_on_site #shell #not_vetted #pub
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Seems like you have to use the product itself though? That's lame AF. It's fugly. I don't want to give up iTerm or Terminal just to get the output of commands logged. Certain trade-offs are too much. #$tag_more #$check_out_FOR_SURE #dev #logging #shell #cli #GUIs #cross-platform #iOS #pricey #pub
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#SSVentures #dev #cli #shell #tutorials #sysadmin #best_of #basics #ubuntu #toread #pub
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#SSVentures #dev #cli #shell #tutorials #sysadmin #best_of #basics #ubuntu #toread #pub
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#SSVentures #dev #cli #shell #tutorials #sysadmin #best_of #basics #ubuntu #toread #pub
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rsync --dry-run --update -raz --progress /var/www #rsync #tips #reference #tutorials #dev #cli #shell #SSVentures #pub
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